Wednesday, July 29, 2020

[MODPOST] GlobalPowers Season XV End Of Season Awards - Awards Ceremony


Welcome, one and all, to the GlobalPowers Awards for Season XV. With the conclusion of the season and the voting period, it is now time to recognize the best, brightest and wackiest among us- here, on this night of nights, the night of the final results ceremony. Let’s get right into it, shall we?



In a marvelous showing, u/nikvelimirovic takes the crown as Best Overall Player for his excellent Russia-Union State gameplay this season; netting 70% of the vote in an excellent showing for Mother Russia and a heroic night for the Soyuzi and/or Soviet people. The runner up, u/dedpotatos, achieved a solid showing for her first season- netting 30% of the vote but unfortunately failing to win it.

Congratulations to u/nikvelimirovic!


With a clean sweep totalling 85% of the vote, u/bowsniper’s fantastic conflict resolution for the Second Korean War, “At the End of All Things”, wins the award for Best Overall Post— even if it’s caked in the dried blood of 1.4ish million dead virtual civilians. Remember, kids; success demands sacrifice. Runner up “Establishment of the Union State” by u/ThatOneEvelyn earned the remaining 15% of the vote.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


In a tight four-way race between several new players and also Shah, the community has decided that u/AmericanNewt8 is GP’s Most Entertaining Player- having earned 40% of the overall vote. It was a close race, however, with runners-up u/Computer__Genius, u/KomradeDmitri, and u/Isfahan-Arclight earning 35%, 20% and 5% of the vote respectively; proving how shitty first-past-the-post is for more serious contexts.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8!


Demonstrating his colossal brain and his tremendous literary skills, u/bowsniper takes the Most Entertaining Post award for, again, “At the End of All Things”, the conflict resolution for the Second Korean War, netting 80% of the vote. Runner-up u/nikvelimirovic’s “Landau’s Legacy - Part IV”, in which the Union State steals the world’s free bitcoin, earned 20% of the vote- a very strong showing.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


u/AmericanNewt8’s excellent albeit quite ridiculous South Korea takes the award for Season XV’s Most Entertaining Nation, his ceaseless warmongering and eventual destruction earning him 40% of the overall vote in a tight race. Runners-up Canada (u/Computer__Genius) and Tunisia (u/TheIpleJonesion) both earned 20%, with Iran (a variety, including u/Isfahan-Arclight and u/Fulanka26) taking another 10% and plucky North Korea stealing the final 5%.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8!


In the toughest round and most divided showing of the night, u/barrybee1234 just barely eeks out a win for Best Shitposter, his memery as the UK and Norway pushing him just above long-time favourite, ex-mod, and esteemed glue boy u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn. u/barrybee1234 earned 35% of the vote, with runners-up u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn, u/AmericanNewt8, u/BOT_MARX and u/nikvelimirovic earning 25%, 15%, 15% and 10% respectively. Tough break.

Congratulations to u/barrybee1234!


In a sharp contrast to Best Shitposter, there was really only one option for Best Roleplayer: the magnificent and esteemed u/peter_j_, who stole the title of largest economy from the US and 65% of the vote through his brilliant roleplay and his excellent China game. Runners-up u/nikvelimirovic and u/A_Wild_Ferrothorn (lmao) took 25% and 10% of the vote respectively, offering a good showing even if Peter won it in the end.

Congratulations to u/peter_j_!


u/artistique1’s Pakistan, the underdog of the subcontinental shitfest, came out on top by the end— earning the title of Most Improved Nation (with 85% of the vote) despite it’s neighbour and it’s continental buddies throwing the world economy down the shitter. Runner-up North Korea, by u/KomradeDmitri, earned the remaining 15%, probably due to it’s rival getting kicked back to the 50s like them. Oh well— what are you gonna do.

Congratulations to u/artistique1!


Given that mods are the only people who matter, the Best Mod award stands as the only award that matters; and Season XV’s Best Mod vote was one for the books. Here, two titans of GP duked it out, even if one did so only in spirit— u/Physics98; founder of r/GlobalPowers, restorer of the rightful rule of the mod team, near-deity and long-time legend stood in one corner, an ethereal Goliath to u/bowsniper’s new but dedicated David, who stood in the other. At the end of the day, though, there could be only one; and u/bowsniper took the title with an overwhelming 80% of the vote despite him really not deserving to do that well. u/Physics98, for his part, still nabbed a rock solid 20% of the share; his first and to-date only nomination winning him the laurels of runner-up 5~ years after he left GP.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


Surprising literally no one, the Second Korean War, brought on by u/AmericanNewt8’s now legendary conflict post, “Korean War 2”, stole the show as the Most Unrealistic Action That Didn’t Get Invalidated. u/AmericanNewt8’s excellent if strategically bankrupt post earned 40% of the vote, pushing it above the competitors in both another demonstration of how terrible FPTP is and another crushing defeat for players located anywhere but Asia. I can’t be asked to list the runners up, but they didn’t earn more than 20% of the vote individually.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8!


The Best Invalidation of the season, as determined by the community, was apparently easy to pick— the Invalidation of “South Korea Embraces Tradition: Grab As Much As Possible Before Cease-Fire” by u/AmericanNewt8 and u/bowsniper cleaned house with 50% of the overall vote, probably due to the over-effort put into what could’ve been a single click of the mouse and a one-word comment. Goddamnit. The runners-up, for their part, didn’t do half bad: u/barrybee1234, u/dedpotatos, and u/ThatOneEvelyn’s Invalidation of “Norway and Chile both bid $200,000,000…” earned 25%, u/WilliamKallio and u/bowsniper’s Invalidation of “Ugandan Hypersonic Missile ‘Victoria’ M-1337-69” earned 20%, and u/mfsmm and the Mod Team’s Invalidation of French Black Ops picked up the remaining 5% of the vote.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8 and u/bowsniper!


In our first and only tie of the night, u/AmericanNewt8 and u/dedpotatos both win our award for the Best New Player— picking up 35% of the vote each for their excellent posts, strong albeit sometimes memey gameplay, general pleasantness and strong integration into the GP community as a whole. Welcome to GP, friends— hope you stick around for a while yet. Our runners up, u/Computer__Genius and u/barrybee1234, earned 20% and 10% of the remaining vote respectively, in a good showing for both. We hope you guys stick around too, among all the other new players not nominated.

Congratulations to u/AmericanNewt8 and u/dedpotatos!


The esteemed Player Who Adds The Most To The Community Award is often a close-fought, divisive matter— and this season was certainly no exception. As votes rolled it, the award repeatedly flipped between u/nikvelimirovic, u/Isfahan-Arclight and u/bowsniper before it pulled away in favour of the sole winner; u/bowsniper, who ended up netting a slight majority, totalling 55% of the total vote, by the end of the voting period. Runners-up u/nikvelimirovic, u/Isfahan-Arclight and u/peter_j_ all earned healthy vote proportions, for their part, winning 25%, 15% and 5% of the vote respectively. This result comes in spite of u/bowsniper barely playing this season, leading to much confusion among Awards Ceremony personnel.

Congratulations to u/bowsniper!


Our second to last award of the night, the Cutest Couple Award often features hilarious, esoteric, abstract pairings of man and post, concept and event, nation and player, among many others. This time, however, the award was passed to the straight shooting matchup of GP’s very own Romeo and Juliet; u/nikvelimirovic and u/ThatOneEvelyn, who, despite Nik’s continual aloofness, managed to pick up 50% of the total vote. Our lovebird runners-up included the very clever nomination Pain & Suffering, which picked up 25% of the vote, the marriage-sticking-together-for-the-kids that is u/Isfahan-Arclight & u/spummydue, which earned 15%, and the pairing of Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, who are no doubt making out in the Kremlin as we speak, which stole the final 10%.

Congratulations to u/nikvelimirovic and u/ThatOneEvelyn!


And, last but not least, we reach the much maligned dumpster fire that is GP’s milwanking, which, despite being complained about by pretty much everyone, never seems to fully disappear. Funny how that works, right guys? The best of the worst this year comes in the form of the long-running Season XV meme, Quantum Radars, with u/Isfahan-Arclight and his “ATLA Quantum Initiatives” stealing the show as the Best Piece of Milwank/Techwank this season— just barely pulling out a win with 40% of the vote, compared to u/ThatOneEvelyn’s “Lider-class Destroyer”, which won 35% (goddamnit), and u/AmericanNewt8’s “Cheonan-class Corvette”, which won the remaining 25%.

Awards Tally


And thus, we round out the Awards Ceremony, and (arguably) with it Season XV. Thanks once again for the great season everybody; we hope you enjoyed your time with it and we hope you’ll stick around for Season XVI. See you at the next GlobalPowers Awards.

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