Sunday, August 9, 2020

I am sure we are not alone.

Well, I would like to have a records of my memories regarding unexplainable situations.

Basically, my family is very spiritual, we have several practitioner of various religions and we don't pay too much attention, just don't mess around with other people and be civil, common sense.

My grandmother, an uncle an I have a special attraction for occultism. We have read about energy, after life reincarnation I am a yoga practitioner since 2015 and so on...and always try to find the most reasonable answer to every that could happen to me, except for some particular times:

1.- I don't have dreams very often, when I do they are super crazy (once I dreamt a friend of mine died from a weed overdose and some people were giving his family Bitcoins, lol) . But there is a dream I have it was like a premonition. I dreamt I was walking near my former highschool when I was about to get robbed by two guys, one with a white shirt, other with a red short and they were riding a grey motorcycle. I was saved by the director of my highschool and woke up. Since this kind of events are very common in my city I decided to leave my cards, cellphone an ID, just left my house with cash for the public transportation. I was walking with my mom when two armed boys with a white shirt, a red shirt ridding a grey bike robbed a girl in front of us, if she weren't there, It could be us.

2.- A friend of mine lived with her mom and grandma and I went a Sunday afternoon for a talk and some coffee. I came in, sat down on the table and we were having a regular Sunday conversation. Where I was sat, I was able to see the kitchen and I could clearly see her "grandma" cleaning the cups and put it them in their place, it was super normal, I could see her blond hair, her white shirt and the movement of the cups. Suddenly, a cup fell down to the floor and crashed. When this happened her actual grandmother came out her bedroom asking what happened. She was there all the time.

There were other small moments I cannot recall rn. But since then I am sure, completely sure there is more we can see. What is or could be? Who knows.

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