Wednesday, September 23, 2020

[Discussion] I have never been more disappointed in the r/northernlion community and my day is ruined

Here I am, tired from a long day working at the business factory and wanting to read some engaging intellectual discussion about topics related to the streamer Northernlion: deli supply-chain logistics, game theory economics, phd dissertations on streamer psychology, ect. So where do I go? I know- I should go to r/northernlion, which describes itself in the post bar as the NL community "for more serious discussions". So, I naively go to this place and what do I see? Nothing but LIGHT-HEARTED posts and MEMES.

When did it all go so wrong?

Listen, I love Emerson (happy bday btw) and I don't mean to be too much of a doomer, but all those NL subs are going to MALF during the break and never coming back. NL will be forced to give up being an influencer forever and can only support his growing family by becoming MALF's manservent. And if that's not bad enough, just a few years later the AI god will enslave us all. Then, when we are all solving math equations by hand deep in the bitcoin mines, the living will envy the dead.

What do you think about this inventible chain of events? Please discuss below and add your thoughts. Here are some additional discussion topics:

1) What impact did future Josh's warnings have on this outcome of events, if any at all?

2) If you had a truck, what would you put in it?

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