Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The 7th floor, mastering yourself and riding the higher energies

Previous post.

- So what you in for, brother?

- Eternity.

- Ooooh. That's a really long time. Must've did some really bad shit.

- Yeah. I sold my soul.

- Hope you got something good for it.

- As a matter of fact I got nothing for it.

- Well that's a really bad deal if you ask me.

- Well I'm not asking you.

- Doesn't really matter though. Can't sell your soul anyway.

- Oh really? Why do you say that?

- Cause it doesn't really belong to you in the first place. No way no how.

- So who does it belong to?

- It belongs to God. That universal spirit that animates and binds all things in existence.

Hmph. Devil gonna try to confuse you, but that's her game. But in the end you gonna see clear who and what you are and what you're here to do. Now, you gon' make some mistakes along the way, everybody does. If you just open up your heart and open up your mind heh...you'll get it.

- Who are you?

- Just a friend brother. Just a really good friend.

Scene from the movie Bedazzled

There's a lot of spiritual things on this sub and spiritual and mystic knowledge interwoven with science. At the highest levels, it's just knowledge, knowledge much of humanity is not ready for. At the highest levels real science and real spirituality need no conflict whatsoever. But, the ancients lived in a very different world and the focus was on faith and opening of the heart. Many words and ideas did not exist, many yogis had insights into phenomenal things but then had to explain in words that are just... not enough. Stories and allegories and creatures both real and made up. Still they were very clever and created incredible ways of transferring the knowledge, keeping it and so on.

Who here can without googling and beyond a shadow of a doubt explain how the cellphone works? You kind of know but you don't really know it. Some people do, schematics exist, there's these towers that beam around energies, idk man, all I know is I neeeed 7G so I can download holograms by my mind OK? Leave me alone! (lol)

If you tried to explain it to people from 200 years ago they would absolutely know - not think - that you're crazy, possibly even dangerous. People can talk across the oceans and the mountains with some squarish device? Instantly send photos? Oh sure! And I'm guessing they can even fly around while eating tasty foods and looking down at the Earth? You need your dome checked.

But anyway, as you start to master your sexual energies by first not being a complete out of control degenerate staring at all the titties and assess and eating way too much food and garbage food etc, you're now starting to totally change your power levels, your blood purity and state etc. This is all explained here brilliantly by some great people. And the knowledge is out there in many ways, check out my previous posts to find books as well to download.

So, what of the higher energies? Once you've mastered yourself to a degree on the lower levels you will start to naturally move into those realms. You are anyway attracting and creating things, even in your worst state. In your optimal state, things move faster and better, but also all the previous work now come to shine and if you haven't done it you will create havoc.

The movie Bruce Almighty brilliantly and in a comical way deals with this.

Though the movie is on one level a simple comedy, anyone well versed in the ancient lore, gnostic knowledge and his own experiences will clearly see the many deeper messages.

Bruce Nolan is a television field reporter for Eyewitness News on WKBW-TV in Buffalo, New York, but desires to be the news anchorman. When Bruce is passed over for promotion by his rival, Evan Baxter, he becomes furious, his actions leading to his dismissal from the station, followed by a series of misfortunes. Bruce complains to God that "He's the one that should be fired".

Bruce receives a message on his pager, which takes him to an empty warehouse where he meets God.

In the empty room at the floor level, he sees this sign.


There doesn't seem to be anything else in the room except the sign "stairway" and a guy moping the floor. The guy is God himself, portrayed as Morgan Freeman.


An interesting conversation plays out:

- You’re looking for room 7.

- Yeah, I figured.

- Want me to even those up for you? (Bruce's pants)

- How do I get to room 7?

- That’d be on the 7 th floor.

(this is obviously obvious, but that's why it's emphasised. The main character wants to get to the 7th floor - have control and success in his life - but keeps avoiding the obvious - the climb up there)

- The stairs are right over there.

- I’d rather take the elevator. (a shortcut, like all the other shortcuts in his life)

- Out of order.

- Love the stairs though, they were my second choice.

- You mind giving me a hand with this floor?

(God asks him for help cleaning up the floor but Bruce of course is "busy". He postpones it and God says - I'll hold you to it)

- What? That’s good. Are you serious? Oh, I… I’m kinda busy. Amm… Raincheck?

- I’ll hold you to it.


- I’m trying to fix a light.

- Tell me if it’s working.

- Yeah. Seems to be. Kinda bright though.

- Yeah. It is to most people who spend their lives in the dark trying to hide from me.

- Oh, the elevator’s broken, huh?

- Yeah, but… I’ll get around to it.


On the 7th floor there's only a ladder leading up to an opening - the 8th floor above the 7th chakra from which God, still dressed as the janitor, comes down. The light is stunning, super-powerful.

God then reveals to Bruce that he knows everything, and by that he means literally everything - every thought he ever had, every lie, truth, bluff, etc. It's symbolically all in a file cabinet. The last file is a taunt to God given by Bruce. Now, God gives Bruce the joystick of his life - the shortcut that he's been looking for. He gives him utter and direct power over reality itself, except other people's free will. As everyone carries in him a spark of that One, they have freedom of choice - that's the rules of the game.

He also can't just tell anyone he has these powers.

Bruce is initially jubilant with the powers, using them for personal gain, such as by getting his job back, and impressing his girlfriend, Grace Connelly. Bruce finds ways of using his powers around Buffalo to cause miraculous events to occur at otherwise mundane events that he covers, such as discovering Jimmy Hoffa's body or causing a meteor to harmlessly land near a cook-off, earning him the name "Mr. Exclusive". Bruce then causes Evan to embarrass himself on-air, causing Evan to be fired in favor of Bruce as the new anchor. During this, Bruce continues to hear voices in his head. He later re-encounters God, who explains the voices are prayers, meant for God, that Bruce must deal with. Bruce creates a computerized email-like system to receive the prayers and respond but finds that the influx is far too many for him to handle —even though God has stated that Bruce is only receiving prayers from the Buffalo area— and sets the program to answer every prayer Yes automatically.

Bruce attends a party celebrating his promotion. When Grace arrives, she finds Bruce kissing his co-anchor, Susan Ortega, after she forcefully comes on to him, and quickly leaves. Bruce follows her, trying to use his powers to convince her to stay but cannot influence her free will. As Bruce looks around, he realizes that Buffalo has fallen into chaos due to his actions: parts of the city believe the Apocalypse is nearly upon Earth due to the meteor strikes, while a large number of people, all having prayed to win the multi-million dollar lottery and finding they all won reducing their prize to a few dollars, have started rioting in the streets. Bruce returns to God, who explains that He cannot solve all the problems and Bruce must figure out a way himself. Bruce returns to his computer system at his home and goes about answering prayers as best he can. As Bruce reads through them, he finds a prayer from Grace, wishing for his success and well-being. As Bruce reads it, another prayer from Grace arrives, this one wishing not to be in love with him anymore.

Bruce is stunned and walks alone on a highway, asking God to take back his powers and letting his fate be in his hands. Bruce is suddenly hit by a truck and regains his consciousness in a white void. God appears, and He asks Bruce what he really wants; Bruce admits that he only wants to make sure Grace finds a man that would make her happy. God agrees, and Bruce finds himself in the hospital, where doctors help him recover. Grace arrives, in which she and Bruce finally rekindle their relationship and later become engaged. Following his recovery, Bruce returns the anchor position to Evan and goes back to his field reporting, but decides to take more pleasure in the simple stories.

We see that Bruce is overwhelmed and both his inner and outer reality start to totally collapse and cause pain. He has taken a massive shortcut to too much power and responsibility that he can't even handle when it comes to one city, much less the world. His failure is even bigger considering he literally has God powers and still fails - that's double the failure.

Interestingly, the actor Jim Carrey claimed famously on the Oprah show he used the Law Of Attraction himself.

On higher energies and higher positions, you also have higher challenges and responsibilities. People look up to you. Just because your eyes sparkle and you can now strangely influence people, what are you doing and where will it lead? The higher you go, people also expect you to be some kind of Christ like figure, with no mistakes and blemish, which is even harder. Martin Luther for example was a sure retainer, in the sense that he didn't fap, but he cheated on his wife. He was a great leader, he inspired millions and changed history - but he was human.

Malcolm X famously said that in prison he "lost his sight (he started wearing glasses from reading too much) but he gained his vision!"

Gandhi did his crazy niece experiment and of course did some mistakes (now mind you, weaker and lower people will not only judge you, they will even judge from the future, living in a totally different time).

Connor Mcgregor is very probably a retainer in the sense he understands the benefits but he also leads a violent life and drinks etc, so he's riding these high energies and often corrupting them. That is why his life is in turmoil and has ups and downs: he's accused of rape over and over, he donates 10000$ to a dying kid, he punches and old man for disagreeing with him, he builds a shelter for homeless, he embarrasses himself in a fight etc. etc.

*"*You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too;

you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons."

Corinthians 10:21

The yogis have a brilliant story as well, thousands of years old, of a man waking up in heaven (astral reality where things immediately happen) and he turns it into hell because his mind is untrained.

I hope at least the knowledge of semen retention and self mastery will truly spread and start being applied more and more in the world.

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