Friday, October 16, 2020

3 Graphics cards found in PC Blocks 1

TLDR: I found 3 graphics cards in the span of 2 weeks from PC blocks alone.

Ok so here's my story. Last week, I had a bit of an unlucky streak, dying on woods. To change up the pace, I loaded into Shoreline to progress my Punisher series quest. While I was looking for scavs, I decided to loot the PC block down by the pier. Insert image #1. I had seen posts recently saying how few GPU's spawn in PC blocks, so I was shocked, but delighted! Finished farming part 4, and progressed the punisher quest, nice. Scav was up, so I quickly loaded in to interchange to make some cash. I spawned inside oli, by the doors to the office area, so I looted the west room to find image #2 (plus a flashdrive not shown), and scurried safely to the extract. I'm on a roll! The prices for GPU's are low now, but since I don't have my bitcoin farm yet, that's great for me! I load back into Shoreline to finish my suppressed kills, when I open the ground cache near bus depot to find another goddamn gpu. Hold up, i know PC blocks spawn them but caches? By this point, I am thoroughly confused, after all, aren't GPU's super rare? I die after completing the quest (I was too excited, died to a scav) but I'm satisfied, either way I profit... but I need to share this, 3 GPU's the same day?! I make a reddit post, but being an idiot I don't make the post correctly and fail the guidelines (i only lurk on reddit), and I give up sharing my story. It's not worth the effort anyway, at least for now.

Skip to today. It's been a slow week for me in Tarkov, I don't want to go into woods, and interchange is too busy. I decide to take it easy and load up my scav run. I just had a juicy run on shoreline again, this time killing a PMC as a scav with an akms in bus depot, and making close to 200k with just 3 mags and a dream! for this one, I just want to loot a couple cabinets and get some zibbos and crickents, when I spawn near the offices again. "might as well" I think, and loot it. in the last room, while looting the last computer, I think to myself "man, wouldn't it be funny if I found another GPU here, out of nowhere?"... It happens. another GPU shows up for grabs. with 5 mins left I sprint out of emercon, and extract. It's silent all the way. I HAVE to try again with reddit, after all, 4 GPU's feels like DESTINY! in the time I wrote this, the GPU sold for 25K roubles, and I am finally satisfied sharing this story. Hope I at least gave some entertainment, cause I am exploding from these series of events. Also sorry mods, hope this post is better!

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