Saturday, October 31, 2020

Throwaway Account for Important Trezor / Electrum Personal Server Question!

Hello. Throwaway account for obvious reasons --

Electrum Personal Server, Trezor Model T and it's existing accounts...

I have a Trezor Model T with five sub accounts each containing an amount of bitcoin. Separated them to prevent any total loss if hacked, etc.

And now I have set up a Raspibolt on an always-on RPi 4 to run a full unpruned Bitcoin Core node, help the Lightning Network with a running and funded LND install, and also wanting to increase my sovereignty with Electrum using Trezor. Running Tor as well.

I have set up Electrs as in the Raspibolt v2 guide and it all shows good and working. Electrum desktop wallet connects to it fine over clearnet. Have not been able to get it to connect via Tor, but I imagine that clearnet is ok over local LAN for now.

What I wish to know is this:

  1. Do I need to make five NEW wallets in Electrum (again, which is being run exclusively via my personal home install of Electrs Electrum Personal Server, my own copy of Bitcoin Core, etc.) and pay fees for transfers, or can I simply import the existing accounts (using my existing Trezor-generated seed from using and continue as usual, except now sending and receiving through Electrum Desktop?
  2. Also -- with this in mind, I did generate a new wallet in Electrum and sent some funds to it, but it never displayed any seed words...curious to know how to find them so I can write them down.
  3. Currently I have one group of seed words for my 5 Trezor T wallets, using the password (25th word?) method of separating them. How can I do this in Electrum?
  4. It looks like the trezor hooked to the computer will simultaneously open as well as Electrum hardware wallet accounts. This is normal? It will authenticate whatever simultaneously?

Wish to understand well so I can communicate all this to others.

Thank you!

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