Thursday, November 19, 2020

We all know what's coming... so what are you doing to prepare? (Getting ready for a 1984 society)

Hello everyone.

Let's just say that we're all correct. And by "we" I mean the people who would frequent this subreddit. Aka the people who know our society is starting to look more and more like 1984. Let's just say that we're correct and the world is starting to become more like a technocratic state with more censorship, less freedom, less humanity, more division, more control, more restrictions, and just generally more fucking societal chaos.

If we already know that this is coming - or at the very least some degree of this potential dystopian reality - then what can we actually do right now to prepare ourselves and the people we love?

What do you think are some ways that people can prepare themselves for something like this? Without getting too similar to the r/preppers community, let's try and offer practical advice. So instead of saying "improve your internet security" actually detail how someone can do that, or better yet provide some resources.

As for what I'm doing:

  1. I recently just bough a 88 serving protein food bucket as my family is pretty safe in that regard but just in case.
  2. I recently bought a water filter water bottle which might be useful as there are literally hundreds of streams within an hours drive of my house so we can have fresh water at all times even with this silly little water bottle.
  3. I will be buying some seeds sometime soon and am yet to find the right package/place to buy them online. My family has a garden so I'll be trying to just get a general supply of random shit that we wouldn't normally think to garden.
  4. I've been thinking about getting a pair of contact lenses that are the same colour as my eyes as written on my driver's license - because apparently facial recognition has more to do with your eyes than anything else. But I'm not really sure about this tbh. What do you all think about something like this?
  5. I'm looking to get a linux cellphone which will help de-Google me and hopefully allow for more mobile privacy.
  6. I'm going to be going through this article about various online security measures but have yet to start because it's a little technical.
  7. I've been thinking of getting some sort of solar generator with solar panels in the event of a grid-down scenario. And also because our boy Klaus Schwab has hinted at a possible "cyber pandemic" ;)
  8. Financially been buying bitcoin and other privacy coins for a while now to heed the inevitable release of a CBDC and UBI system. And if you're still against bitcoin and cryptocurrency, you're just shooting yourself in the foot at this point honestly - but I don't want this to turn into a crypto debate lol.
  9. I'm tempted to buy some of the "alternative" cures/remedies for covid-19(84) such as Hydroxychloroquine and Quercetin and this Honeysuckle and Forsynthia formula because my parents are paranoid af and they're in their late 60's so just peace of mind going into the winter really.

As you can see I'm doing a fair bit of procrastination and I'm "just about to" do a lot of things. Obviously these days money is tight and the things I've listed above ain't cheap!

I'd love to know what everyone else is doing to prepare. And please feel free to share any resources you might have that could help the other people in this subreddit. Even though if you're paranoid enough, just posting these kinds of things in here basically puts us on a special list somewhere so we're basically all fucked lol. But let's just hope it won't come to that just yet ;)

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