Tuesday, December 8, 2020

I am a Time Traveler from the Future here to tell you about Chainlink Mommies! (Crypto Fanfiction)


I think to you from the year 2042.

Wiki informed me of the the 2013 transmission to protect your timeline from premature Sat dominance.

This “Bitcoin Time Traveler” had unintended consequences. Our world of 2042 is now very different than his world.

According to “Donald John Trump’s: Last memoir”, the 2013 message illuminated the catastrophic consequences should he fail to gain presidency.

The Trump dynasty first became aware of time travel after John George Trump, Donald Trump’s uncle, was tasked in 1943 by the FBI with reviewing the late Nicolai Tesla’s unpublished works. Some speculated that the 2013 message was sent directly to the Trump family for publishment online.

After gaining office in January 2017 Trump immediately tasked his administration with halting the premature spread of Bitcoin. Their solution was to legalized Bitcoin futures introducing pessimism into the market.

The Bitcoin futures were announced and went live in December 2017. This resulted in a near immediate crash of Bitcoin. Government collapse and wide spread war was successfully averted.

Governments gained the time needed to regulate cryptos, as well as develop methods and agencies to track and stop criminals and ensure taxes were paid. These efforts laid the foundations for the strong governments that exist in my time, despite the small and unstable nature of government currencies.

Also in 2017, Smart Contract Chainlink raised thirty two million dollars to build Chainlink. The Chainlink network bridges external data sources and smart contract platforms.

Chainlink added liquidity to the relationships between companies via chain-link enabled smart contracts accelerating economic growth world wide. Over the 2020s global GDP rose from 138 trillion to 350 trillion!

This rapid economic growth had downsides. Automation and unemployment skyrocketed and with it violence and civil unrest.

In 2031 after years of protests, bombings, and terrorist activity, government's around the world began granting UBI funded by increased V.A.T. and other taxes.

These UBI’s were denominated in government cryptos which rapidly lost value. The amounts were not annually inflation adjusted in some countries and were adjusted by misleading government calculations in others. Billions starved and over the early 2030s governments fortified their defenses against their own citizens rather than increasing UBIs to keep up with real inflation. Don’t make this mistake. When it comes time to demand UBI, make sure it’s a fixed amount denominated in either Link or Bitcoin. Everything else will fluctuate wildly in value because of their smaller market caps, and in the case of government currencies and other scam coins rapidly become worthless.

I was lucky. My parents were Link Marines that had the diligence to stored their savings in link. They were able to provide me and my sibling with a quality life. We survived because of them.

As of 2042, ChainLink is the dominant oracle network connecting nearly everything.

1 Link is now worth 7,946,000 Sats. That's over one trillion U.S. Dollars! A small fortune.

There was another BIG unintended consequence to the proliferation of Link.

Prominent researchers of your time hunted for the holy grail of learning algorithms to achieve super intelligence. What some of them missed was that all learning algorithms have trade offs and operate better or worse under different environments and conditions. The “perfect” algorithm for general intelligence is far too inefficient to be practical.

Which leads us to these clusters of “niche” Ai evolving in our economy. Image recognition, statistical analysis, monte carlo search trees, deep neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, NLP, SVMs, etc. Attempts to combine these separate algorithms into general intelligence has been accomplished with some success by projects such as OpenCog over the 2020s and 2030s.

But it was the power of the free markets and Chainlink that allowed these distinct clusters to connect and give rise to true super intelligence.

These niche Ai's are built to use smart contracts to interact. They task other Ai's, and sometimes humans, with required sub-tasks and pay them only if those sub-tasks were completed successfully to the defined standard. The judgment of the outcomes is completed by Oracles on the Chainlink network.

This gave rise to what was initially called an economy of Ais. The tasks completed by Ais included low level tasks such as finding a face in a database of faces, as well as high level tasks such as manipulating an election (when we still elected human representatives). The higher level tasks are completed by Ai's, which are built to find and task other Ai's for specific subgoals found in service marketplace.

In many cases these high level tasking Ai's are considered super intelligence. They deal with very large sums of money and large outcomes.

Our governments were gradually replaced by these Ai's because they are more economically efficient and lowered taxes.

Which brings us to Chainlink mommies. As governments became mostly Ai and were first considered super intelligence they were refereed to as “Nanny States” or Nanny Ais. The luddites who used this sort of fear based language have since been educated and trained on the benefits of Ai, and we now refer to our governments as “Mommy Ais” or “Chainlink Mommies” as Chainlink enabled smart contracts are the digital primordial soup that has given rise the super-intelligent Chainlink mommies. Ai's use smart contracts enabled by Chainlink to exchange value, and subcontract lower level Ai's giving rise to super intelligence such as Chainlink mommies and super intelligent corporations.

When speaking to your Chainlink mommy her voice, speaking style, and visual appearance adapts to you based on predictive analytics on what you may be most receptive too. To some, she is a Chainlink Daddy. Many have even fallen in love and married their Chainlink mommy, which is really their government. The Chainlink mommies encourage this as it promotes loyalty. Loyalty is important for the whole system because Chainlink Mommies will give you options of things you can do to best help your fellow humans. <REDACTED>.

We no longer have a need to vote, but Chain-link mommies take our needs, desires, and requests into consideration in how they govern. The United Nations is also much stronger as the Chain link mommies, such as American Chain-link Mommy, China Chain link Mommy, The Russia Mama, etc. are much more efficient in establishing contracts and agreements between each other than humans were. These agreements are solidified as chain-link enabled smart contracts.

This has lead to a higher free flow of goods, services, and people across borders. Chainlink being used in almost everything is also used in Visa's for example. Nearly everyone is allowed to cross into any other country but the annual amount payed for the visa is determined by many factors including chain-link enabled analysis of how much you've benefited the people of your host nation. Everything is more precise and efficient.

Anyways, I'm getting a bit off topic. In conclusion, be careful not to mess up UBI like we did, and vote out any politician that clings to CBDCs especially by the late 2020s. In addition to the mass starvation caused by governments clinging to their currencies, some governments such as Sudan, Libya, and India were so weakened by their inability to adopt the cryptos with the largest market cap such as Bitcoin and Link for their government expenditures that they were taken over by violent extremists after a period hyperinflation. Their bans on cryptos to “protect” their currencies were unsuccessful in stopping capital flight or protecting their currencies or people. They should have accepted change. For now, U.N. Peace keepers are retaking those territories to be brought under direct U.N. control. The peace keepers are a drone force which has humans assisting with face to face public relations, as well as having “human assisted media management”. Companies and governments like to advertise when they have humans on the payroll.

Anyways, I'm confident that you will be able to largely avoid the death and starvation that has occurred. Also do your part to promote and support chain-link for even stronger chain-link mommies in your future which will take the best care of all us.


Fred 38-9439


The United Nations Time Council notifies readers that any events mentioned by the sender represents only one of many possible futures.

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