Thursday, December 24, 2020

Valve's Price Control on the Hallowed Chest: Valve Losing More Dota Players

Dear Dota 2 Team at Valve and Valve,

First of all, thank you for reading this post. I appreciate it. And, please, let me begin.

This is not 20th century when people played games just to kill time. This is 21st century. Not only people play games for fun but also to participate in the game item trading economies. For the first time in history, people make money by playing games, e.g, Twitch. For the first time in history, the virtual commodities become "valuable" and a reality, e.g., Bitcoin, game cosmetic items. For the first time in history, financial institutions and services like Payoneer recognize the legitimacy of game item economies.

Valve, if you only want people to play games and buy your Dota cosmetic items, players would not stick around. I get that you want every player to get cosmetic items for dirt cheap prices. That is a good intention. But this is 21st century. Your efforts to curb the item traders and chase away the investors from the Dota 2 item market is nothing more than a foolishness and a shot in your own foot. Why would you continue dropping the Hallowed Chest even after the Diretide event? You gave us the impression it was something special and limited. You have even re-introduced the key system like CS:GO for the chest. You did it to attract players back into the game. We know. But why would you chase them away again by your trickery to keep dropping it? I know you have all the right to do so. I KNOW! But you are intentionally forgetting that this is 21st century and that.. you have to respect the game item economies.

I spent $3500 to buy 6800 chests, thinking that it was a good investment. I have many years of trading experiences in CS:GO. Before you accuse me of stupidity, I would say I don't regret a bit about investing in game items. Returns are 100 times better than stocks. I'm happy. But, Valve, why would you intentionally decide to keep dropping when, after all, you want players back in the game? I dare you people won't be in Dota 2 just to play the game. This is a 21st century with an entirely different game economy. Your forget to respect or realize that. And, you wonder why you are losing players?

Thank you for reading.


Your beloved item trader.

For fellow gamers reading this out there, if you don't think the Dota 2 is losing players, please Google some articles about it. Just to let you know I'm not writing out of banality, I would give you an example article about that. Link:

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