Monday, January 18, 2021

Its pretty weird how many firms are somehow still posting good results in their earning reports despite all that happened due to Covid.

Obviously it depends what industry you are in. If you're in something that requires people going out like aviation, restaurants, events etc its not gonna be good. Its gonna be pretty damn awful in fact.

But firms in tech, financial services, medical etc. Those guys are doing pretty damn good.

You think the bosses in tech are crying right now? Yeah they're crying tears of joy as their stock price reaches record high and so do their bonuses. I'm sure Bezos or Elon are feeling very sad right now /s. For a lot of tech its never been better. Even the crypto guys aren't feeling sad as Bitcoin crushed its 2017 ATH. In other words Wall Street is killing it if they invested right.

Really shows that some guys on top never truly lose out while other people don't even have enough money to pay rent. Its supposed to be a really hard and difficult time for many yet somehow for some its probably best time in recent years.

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