Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Thanks You To The A&Q Community For Participating In Ask Me Anything ( AMA ) With TrustBase On January 25, 2021. This Guest Star Jack Platts ( TrustBase Foundation COO )


First segment : Introduce

Questions:Can you Introduce yourself u/TrustBase_Foundatiou To our community ?

Jack Platts:

Yep sure! This is Jack Platts from TrustBase.

I’m from the TrustBase Foundation, and I am mainly responsible for the community growth and business cooperation of the TrustBase project. I am very happy to be here today to share our Polkadot Parachain project-TrustBase!

Feel free to drop us a visit at:
Telegram: t.me/TrustBasenetwork
Official website: trustbase.network

Second segment : Questions from AMA hosts

  • Questions 1:Could you explain a little about TrustBase and what Is make it different From another Project?

Jack Platts:

Thanks for the first question my dear host:P So when it comes to TrustBase, I can put it this way for you.

TrustBase is a Polkadot parachain based on the Substrate framework, and has independently developed a new smart contract language Subscript. It can support the development of a variety of underlying tool plug-ins and the deployment of Polkadot’s native smart contracts. Able to achieve global interoperability with Polkadot ecology;

In September 2020, our Subscript smart contract language was selected as a developer tool by the Web3 Foundation Grant. This makes us one of the few infrastructure projects in the Polkadot ecosystem that has been officially certified;

TrustBase is developed based on the Subscript language. We hope to provide traditional developers with a more lightweight language so that they can break industry barriers and participate in the construction of the Polkadot ecosystem without barriers. This is a whole new journey. We hope to expand the team of Polkadot builders in our way and contribute to the vision of Web3.0.

Yep I hope the answer above could help satisfy your desire for knowing more about the unique beauty of TrustBase.

  • Questions 2:Why is it said that TrustBase is Polkadot’s extraditioner?

Jack Platts :

This is a good one!

You know, the core of Polkadot created by Mr. Gavin wood is a relay chain. In the future, it will link a lot of parachains to build the foundation of Web 3.0. This is great, but it wants to build Polkadot from an open field into a huge The complex of buildings will be a long-term process. In this process, we need a large number of developers to participate together, but the number of developers is far from enough.

Polkadot needs more co-builders! This is not only our call, but the whole ecosystem’s.

Therefore, we created the Subscript language. Subscript language is the underlying language developed by TrustBase parachain. Simply put, Subscript allows ordinary web developers to quickly participate in the deployment of Polkadot’s native smart contracts. Compared to other Blockchain languages, such as rust, ink! , Subscript can directly interact with JavaScript and is easy to integrate with Dapp. Developers no longer need to understand the technical problems of the Blockchain such as Merkel number, block status, and P2P. Join the Blockchain development work with a very low learning threshold.

The significance of Subscript to Polkadot is far-reaching. With the enrichment of Polkadot’s ecology in the future, Polkadot will have a lot of demands for the underlying tools. Subscript realizes the backward compatibility with Polkadot and can quickly meet Polkadot’s development requirements.
This’s all for this question :)

  • Questions 3:What can TrustBase provide for developers?

Jack Platts:

First things first, the developer community is the most valued and cherished partner of TrustBase. We believe that the Subscript language itself is the best gift. It follows the Typescript syntax and completes the encapsulation of Substrate smart contracts in Assemblyscript, so that traditional developers can quickly get started. We have delivered Subscript’s language documentation on GitHub, everything is open source for developers to learn and use.

  1. I hope to reveal news on the developer community. Now the person in charge of the Chinese community has taken the initiative to find us to cooperate, and is launching their “Developer Community Training Camp” program.

At present, we guide all users who have registered in the previous period free of charge. All training camp students have the opportunity to obtain the Subscript NFT equity certificate, and later holders can obtain TrustBase mining income. Our training camp activities will be a long-term school. During this period, for any interested Subscript developers, the TrustBase Foundation will provide developers with technical support and national treasury support after passing the evaluation criteria, and cooperate with them to complete a real value developer Hackathon.

  1. In the future project tech iteration, we will publish all the updated information about the progress of the TrustBase parachain and the Subscript language on the official account. During this period, we will keep close contact with the developers, hoping to promote any possible developer activities.

For valuable developer projects, the TrustBase Foundation will give the development team generous technical support and financial support. Provide advice or consultation on project development and planning if they need it.

  • Questions 4:Can you describe TrustBase’s next development plan?

Jack Platts :

TrustBase’s future planning is roughly divided into four steps:

  1. Increase investment in [Polkadot Developer Training Camp] and [Hackthon]. Enrich developer training courses. Popularize the Subscript hackathon to the traditional developer circle and become the market brand of smart contract development courses.

2.Recruit verification nodes. TrustBase has designed a complete economic model and governance model for verification nodes, and will gradually open the recruitment of verification nodes.

3.TrustBase CC2 test network is online. The CC2 testnet will support more functions, and cooperate with the early students who are learning in the ‘Polkadot Developer Training Camp’ for actual combat.

  1. After completing the above three steps, we will formally participate in the Polkadot parachain slot auction, becoming an isomorphic parachain of the Polkadot ecology, and sharing the Polkadot cross-chain ecology with developers.

Third segment : Questions From Twitter

  • Questions 1:

From : u/nainainiainai

What is WASM virtual machine ? I already read your website but i still doesn’t understand what benefit from it for developer and for investor ? Is that system must be on polkadot blockchain ? so many project start to use polkadot. I just worried TrustBase just follow the hyipe

Jack Platts;

Thank you for browsing our website! What a good question it is for those who are new to Polkadot and TrustBase. I can see from the question that you are not a student of tech development, so here I try to explain it more easily. WASM virtual machine is a “machine” that “translates” smart contracts written in various languages into a language that computers can understand.

For developers, the “translation” speed of using WASM in the execution layer is dozens of times faster than using EVM, and the EVM virtual machine is exactly the virtual machine currently used by Ethereum. Fast execution is an important advantage for smart contracts. In fact, in the Ethereum 2.0 plan, Ethereum is undergoing a complete rewrite, which will be converted from the original EVM virtual machine to the WASM virtual machine.

Secondly, the WASM smart contract developed on TrustBase does not have to run on the Polkadot ecology. It can support any smart contract development platform compatible with the Substrate architecture. However, TrustBase still regards becoming the Polkadot Parachain as its first goal, and we are very confident about it.

Finally, although there are so many projects on Polkadot, TrustBase’s biggest competitive advantage is its self-developed Subscript language. This is better than ink! Language and Solidity language should be easier to use and lightweight language that can allow traditional developers to quickly get started. We are entering the traditional developer community with Subscript and creating a unique developer ecosystem for TrustBase. This is of inestimable value for the growth of TrustBase and the long-term development of the entire Polkadot ecology.

  • Questions 2:

From : u/himo_umaru

I was like your idea. I want to invest for a long time on TrustBase. Is there any presale date or etc on TrustBase ? And what benefit for investor if they was hold your Token for a long time ?

Jack Platts:

Thank you u/himo_umaru for your question!

There is a complete and reasonable private placement plan in TrustBase’s market plan, and the specific time will be announced in the near future. You can keep paying attention to TrustBase’s official media.

For investors, long-term holding and using TBE tokens for non-destructive pledges such as nomination and voting can obtain generous network rewards. After the mainnet is launched, TBE, as the core pledge of various high-quality DeFi agreements, will generate new liquidity and commercial value.

Yep this’s it for this question:D

  • Questions 3:

From : u/JinJrx

Currently hacking is a terrible thing for the defi project, can you explain the security that the TRUSTBASE project has, especially the security of our assets and data, and how the TRUSTBASE strategy becomes a big project and is known in the Crypto world?

Jack Platts:

Blockchain safety is always at our prioritized concern! Many people don’t know that the root cause of the Hacking phenomenon frequently occurring in the DeFi ecosystem of Ethereum is that the underlying language of Solidity is too flexible. It allows smart contracts to “set logic on top of one logic”. In the end, even the developers themselves don’t know where bugs will appear under the layers of logic nesting.

This is the root of the frequent DeFi security vulnerabilities in Ethereum. In contrast, Polkadot’s Substrate framework and TrustBase’s Subscript language both abandoned this flexibility in pursuit of more security. Subscript follows the proven Typescript syntax, with strict type and static syntax checking. It comes with a smart contract debugger based on the SourceMap mechanism, which reduces the security vulnerabilities of smart contracts from the bottom.

In addition, TrustBase has law enforcement nodes. Once a node is found to be malicious, it will take maintenance actions as soon as possible. Finally, the TrustBase chain benefits from the security module of the Substrate framework, which can be upgraded without forks, which greatly reduces the possibility of 51 attacks and rollback attacks.

To be honest, Uniswap was dormant for three years before becoming famous in the crypto world, which gave the TrustBase team a lot of strength. Like Uniswap, we have ambitious goals and unique market positioning. We believe that as long as our Subscript language is valuable enough, it will succeed sooner or later. In fact, the TrustBase community is developing at a very desirable rate. More and more Polkadot developers and traditional developers have joined our developer community. Our influence in Github, Twitter, Telegram, including China is accelerating. In particular, the “Polkadot Developer Training Camp” event we hosted in China received hundreds of developers’ registrations in the first phase. We will hold such events for a long time and expand the scope to the world.

Thank you again for this question!

  • Questions 4:

From : u/Coin_Travolta

What is TrustBase’s function in the Polkadot ecosystem? What unique contributions do you make to the Polkadot ecosystem?

Jack Platts :

Solute to u/Coin_Travolta for this question!

As mentioned before, TrustBase is the extradition of Polkadot. Who do we want to “extradite”? A large number of traditional developers. Let me make an analogy. If Polkadot represents the Noah’s Ark of Web 3.0, then traditional developers are sailors who stand on the opposite side and don’t know how to drive. By providing the Subscript language, TrustBase allows these sailors to learn how to sail and go to the goal of Web3.0.

In 2020, TrustBase conducted a survey of traditional developers and found that 31% of them are optimistic about the combination of big data and blockchain. 28% are optimistic about the combination of IoT and blockchain. 13% are optimistic about the combination of artificial intelligence and blockchain, etc. This is the real general direction of the blockchain, and it is what Polkadot is really committed to achieving. These things are still blank. To achieve this combination, either blockchain developers should study big data, Internet of Things and other fields, or traditional developers in these fields should learn blockchain development.

In fact, the latter is more feasible, and this is exactly what TrustBase can provide for Polkadot.

  • Questions 5 :

From : u/Charles04474580

Trust Base natively supports the XCMP cross-chain protocol, How does Trust Base cross-chain work? compared to other cross-chain project? what is the biggest feature?

Jack Platts :

u/Charles04474580 and all, TrustBase is a blockchain developed based on the Substrate framework. It natively supports the XCMP cross-chain protocol, accessing the Polkadot relay chain through a slot, or accessing Polkadot as a parallel thread, sharing the interoperability with other parachains of Polkadot. It is even possible to achieve interoperability with public chains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum through Polkadot.

TrustBase, as a homogeneous parachain of Polkadot, has many unprecedented technical features. For example, shared cross-chain and good interoperability, no fork upgrade, low deployment cost, low gas cost, etc. These technical advantages are supplemented by the Subscript language to bring a unique developer community, and its future application scenarios and chain ecology will be very exciting.

That’s it for the answer to this lovely question!

Learn About TrustBase Network At The Link Below :

Official Website : https://trustbase.network/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/TrustBase_Net

Medium : https://medium.com/@BaseTrust

Github : https://github.com/TrustBase/trustbase

Telegram : https://t.me/TrustBasenetwork

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