Saturday, January 2, 2021

Why we cannot have nice things: Part Two. Elon and Dogecoin explained.

Having spent the last few hours among the assorted communities, along with posting around, something has to be addressed in a manner that is slightly larger. I do hope you take the time to read as this is the last attempt before far more impacting addressing of the situation is done.

Elon has nothing to do with Dogecoin.

While this is something heavily documented, noted, explained and gone over spanning years now; others have taken memes and jokes a little too far.

The entire story of Elon and Dogecoin is very simple, which we have always been transparent about.

Elon reached out to the co-founder years ago relating to a rumored bit of Twitter assistance he had been providing people within the cryptospace to combat impersonation and scam bots.

In turn during the April Fools day Twitter event, we held a poll. This mainly consisted of people within the cryptospace that have helped Dogecoin to become everything that it has. Poll

/u/coblee - Founder of Litecoin known as GrandDoge/GrandShibe who helped make sure that Dogecoin had a secure chain to survive along with providing advice, education as this whole thing started.

/u/marshallhayner - Founder of MetalPay and a whole mess of other stuff that has been supportive of Dogecoin since creation. He campaigned heavily during for, also was winning most of the day.

/u/vbuterin - Founder of Ethereum known as Dogecoin Gandalf the concept of a bridge to Ethereum started with him, also he has hung out with Kabosu the Shiba Inu most Doge/Dogecoin memes are based on.

It went to the point of tossing a bumper sticker that /u/dimifw made onto the back of the Tesla that /u/michidragon has.

He was joke CEO for less than a few hours before he retired. CEO, not a spot of power nor did he get to even so much as send a tweet. Since then whenever Elon is being prodded by other cryptocurrency hype people or he just wants to laugh a bit; he tosses out Dogecoin in trollish memery.

It is not, nor has it ever been that Elon had anything to do with the project, the price, the communities, the engagements; none of it. It was done in fun. Elon has been public about not holding much cryptocurrency for years.

However there are some people who have taken this, stripped away most of the truth of the matter, who have misrepresented memes/jokes into something serious. People whom have taken it to themselves to actively misled people relating to Elon and Dogecoin for oddly self serving benefits. Dogecoin is a memecoin that supports charities, does fun fundraisers, helps to educate people about overall concepts of cryptocurrency. Taking this and using it abusively is not super great to see.

Please always take the time to look into things, to verify the claims that people are making. Understand that for whatever "insider information" or "secret knowledge" people are offering you, it is going to be bunk. Be aware of who you are giving your funds to along with why. Scams are present within cryptocurrency, even within Dogecoin with all the efforts that are put towards cleaning things up quickly; things can slip through. There is always time to take in order to try to figure out if something is legitimate, to prevent yourselves from being taken advantage of.

The Dogecoin Project has maintained transparency as a fundamental principle. If something is happening, you will find out not from a random person but from the project itself. @dogecoin on twitter @dogecoin_devs as well. You can even check in directly with us as we meander through reddit /u/langer_hans /u/michidragon /u/patricklodder /u/rnicoll /u/Sporklin You can even message the mods here of the subreddit, they are some of the most knowledgeable people about Dogecoin.

In this I hope that it can help to curb some of the more naughty behaviors going on, without having to escalate beyond just a kindly post for clarity. This is not how I would have thought that Dogecoin would be starting the year.

Stay safe please ♡

Sporklin of Dogecoin Core Developers

P.S - While here... /r/Dogecoin Rules give these a read, seeing what has gone across this subreddit the past few hours. The mods are all volunteers, maybe create slightly less work for them as holidays and all.

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