Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A comparative look at dogecoin vs. bitcoin

Dogecoin's potential is huge, the $1 mark really means nothing, and here's why:
Bitcoin, the most commonly known crypto, was created in 2008. It took years before there was any real price change, which at that point was a whopping $0.0008 jump to $0.08 with the usual volatility mixed in. (I bought my first Dogecoin 12/18/2020 for $0.0003, today it's hovering around $0.03)

3 Years later in 2011 Bitcoin was trading for $1 (our 'goal'), and come June 2011 pushed up to $32, hello 3200% jump (what is the $gme squeeze?!) Shortly after it bottomed out, most likely due to people jumping ship and taking their profits when they should have held strong.

Moving forward to 2015, Bitcoins trading at $315. Then in 2017 after a price bubble, we see it hit $19K. In the following years, it stays down around $5K-$7K. In comes 2020 barging in the shitstorm of a year and pushing bitcoin up $26k!! Now we have seen what's happened since then with bitcoin hitting the $40K mark which is insane. Even during all the job losses and the economy going to s**t with covid, crypto fought stronger than ever and only went up!

I am not saying Dogecoin will hit $40K in a few years, nor am I saying it will follow the same pattern as bitcoin, BUT there is no reason without the support of Reddit, this beautiful group, the events that have happened recently, and celebrities tweeting about dogecoin that we can't get this floor up to $5-$10 in 2021. It all starts with tomorrow, Feb. 4th where you have to unload into doge and hold hold hold.

I know we will do it and I know we will soon laugh at the paper handed clowns who flopped out of doge thinking it wouldn't surpass the $0.04 mark.

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