Friday, February 26, 2021

AABB is Legit! Here is why!

About AABB:

Asia Metals Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Asia Broadband Inc., and is a resource company focused on the production, supply and sale of precious and base metals primarily to Asian markets. The Company utilizes its specific geographic expertise, experience and extensive industry contacts to facilitate its innovative distribution process from the production and supply of precious and base metals in Mexico to our client sales networks in Asia. This vertical integration approach to sales transactions is the unique strength of Asia Broadband and differentiates the Company to its shareholders.

In light of recent events I would like to highlight certain facts highlighted by Bashers claiming how AABB, CoreStateHolding & PTPWallet is false.

For anyone looking for the article I am referring to: link Since I have nothing to hide, I am not going to hide the reddit post worrying about how it can cause more distrust. Reason, because I believe the claims are absurd and weirdly in format that MMs and firms like HindenBurg and Citron and their simiilar use.

The article is very cleverly curated: Asking questions at exact moment.

Core State Holding:

Lets talk about what they do, in their own words:

Core State Holdings, Corp., formerly known as 8870985 Canada Corp, was founded in 2014. Together, over the next five years, the Core State founders were able to build an effective, committed, and successful team. This team would go on to help create the innovative digital properties CannaSOS and PTPWallet. Despite having been denied by nearly every early investor, this team of persistent and devoted individuals ultimately triumphed and achieved their preliminary objectives.

Interview from CEO: Link

Well I don’t know how the website could have been more honest saying how they have been denied investments by multiple VCs before and outlining how they perceived and went about their goals. Could be any of us no??

Claim 1:

(Website Similarities): Okay now let’s move on to the claims made in that post: Pictures?? Seriously? How many websites use pictures that might and might not be representative of their office.

If a company is starting up, I don’t think everyone is Jeff Bezos or has a crazy fan following like Elon Musk to buy almost anything. The post goes on to talk about similarity in website format? Well as a developer I could not have laughed enough, I mean seriously they are the ones building AABBG website and we can’t expect templating? Well only developers will know what I mean. This is a start, a penny stock we can expect a billion-dollar looking webpage. Look how bitcoin started. (I know you bears are rolling your eyes reading this, but so am I)!!.

Claim 2:
(Building): On building: It’s a f****ing Blue Print. (oops excuse my language). ( Their aim is to (you read that, we can all have aims right???)

Building Link: video (Artistic animation hub) - Animateddddd!!!

Claim 3:
(North America Time Call LLC): Well first of all, we all should know how to read google maps and web pages, just because google map expanded ticker shows parking lot, it’s not a parking lot:

Looks like a building to me eh??? Maybe my eyes are not soo beary to assume anything. Google directly drops me off that building.

Transactions??? Well I am still researching and will have answers soon, but dude its in the filing. What exactly are we looking for here????? I am sure the guy has lot of financial experience. Good dd man, trying to find every loop hole to project them as shady????

Now here are my questions:

  1. Why is a penny stock ticket getting so much attention???
  2. Why was that reddit post viral within minutes of it being posted and 5-10 accounts all of a sudden started bashing? We are popular eh???
  3. Also please explain to me why is the graph looking like:

See shorts covering eh? The Green line. Now see what they are trying to do, for them to not bleed the price needs to be under what it was on Feb 14th. (So much for valentines day :P ;) ).

Okay enough about that article, how about we learn something informative about AABB:

The company is on the verge of launching a Gold Backed Crypto.

For people trying to read too much in between the lines on how its not backed by any hard asset, it only means you cant get gold for your coin.

So what’s the advantage????: in layman’s term, you are investing in a currency with equivalent or certain percentage of gold backing. Sounds confusing no??

Lets look at it this way: when recession hits and the government is pumping trillions of dollars into economy what happens. For example if I want to buy a shoe: if there are 100 I can price then at a very lucrative rate. But if the production is unlimited: well the shoe becomes cheap. (its no longer limited edition)! Something similar happens when a country prints too much money.

Don’t believe me, read what happened to Pesos in Argentina.

Anyways so now if the currency is backed by an asset (any rare mineral) maybe lithium in future, well because there is only so much supply and our mother earth has already been raided the scarcity makes the price hard to fall (better yields and returns).

That is where gold comes. You are not buying gold, but when dollar or any other currency looses value (a AABBG token which is priced approximately 5.80 USD, can become 10 USD (meaning dollar lost half its value).. So what do you get a money with less degradation.

Some of the commonly asked questions:

  1. Will dividend cause dilution? (AABB offered 1 share dividend per 50 shares). Well no, why because dilution happens when the available float becomes higher. If we are holding our shares we are getting few bucks extra. (If you ask me a very clever way of keeping the share price high)!!!!!
  2. James Gilbert (Who is he)?? Well, you guys will hate my answer. But do you know who owner of bitcoin is?? As a matter of fact it is said if we get to know that it could result in crash of bitcoin. He could be forced to sell it. Taxes something else not sure. Guys if we are in business with China, some anonymity is expected. Their government does not like decentralization (for people who ask why, give them definition of a communist). Well anyways lets wait for PR to find out.

Okay now please this is really important.

MM’s and Bears:

Look at any example. GME/BB/AMC OR any stock which grew 2000% or more last year (MVIS/IDEX/IZEA). They all follow same trend.

  1. They wait watching very closely for any news to shake out. (In our case the delay!!)
  2. They work on an article explaining how it is fraud/overvalued/litigated! (Well that article spreads like wildfire, am sure mine will have difficulty reaching out to 10 sound people! But still worth it).
  3. They lower the bid. People who read the news or bears who buy like 100 shares at high price start selling at bid price. (Lowering stock price).
  4. People panic to news and react and sell. Price drop.
  5. Bears start to bash. (Second price drop.)
  6. People start researching. Some decide to stay others start doubting their own investment and sell.
  7. Next here is where mm dirty games come to play. They play amongst themselves. They will lower the bid and sell their own shares. People think stock is going down well ofcourse if I am buying and selling I can create any mirage (Except when people are buying you can only drop it so much (cheap deals)).
  8. Bears continue with fear mongering and trying to find any angle to bash. Algos trying to create an illusion of price drop.

How to beat it???

  1. Do not sell. Do not sell unless companies direction has changed or you have put significant research on why you think you should sell.
  2. Slap the ask
  3. We all run out of liquid. At that time fold the device and hold. It will go back up.

If we hold AABB is about to breakout and cause a bear squeeze. Do we all not want a bitcoin when it was under a $1? Or be part of next GME gamma squeeze. Hold. That is the game.

Suddenly too many bears are interested in this stock and saving people their money. Someone once said to me When too many people are trying to pull you down you are on a path to success.

I have more to share but also some work to do. Still got to do my job while the coin is under few $$ you see! :P

Also apologies in advance for grammatical mistakes, tad bit of cursing here and there. No MM you see.

Happy Investing!!!!

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