Sunday, February 21, 2021

Crypto Trading App AI-Based Predictive Trend Indicator (releasing this week!!)

Digimax is pleased to announce that it has developed an AI-based predictive platform that has demonstrated an investor’s ability to realize superior rates of return trading cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The program has been under development for more than one year, and it is in beta mode with positive results.

As with other platforms developed by DataNavee, this solution uses AI to sort through reams of data. It includes the trading history of the currencies, macro and micro-economic data, world events, and global money flows. It brings all of this data into one solution that gives the user the ability to predict changes in the designated currency’s direction.

The solution will soon be offered on a subscription basis to any individual for a low introductory fee designed to attract a maximum number of users.

The initial subscription will offer insights and Predictive Trend Indicators for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Additional currencies will be added over time. Several additional predictive features will be offered after the initial launch through various subscription option packages.

With a renewed global interest in the value of cryptocurrencies as an alternative store of value to fiat currency, Digimax estimates the potential could measure into the millions of individual subscriptions. We will initially launch the solution in North America, and we will add other countries monthly.

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