Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Finally AP'd While Awake And Maintained Complete Consciousness

Some people have experiences of APing while awake and I started out like this. I wanted to learn what was happening to me, and the best way was to practice APing on purpose.

So I can AP while awake and I AP while meditating. When I AP while awake, I have the body visceral movements and can get information through feelings. But because I'm awake and my eyes are open, I don't see what's going on.

Last night was totally different though.

I was laying down and kept APing, so I decided to ground myself. Grounding only stopped APing temporarily. When these moments happen, I try to take advantage of it when I can, and try to AP while meditating with my eyes closed instead.

So I started out with the goal of remote viewing, but I got interrupted because my bf had rolled over and woke up. He changed the channel on the TV and we started talking.

He got me some food and laid back down. After I ate, I was still awake and conscious... I felt my AP double exit my body. I didn't try to ground myself this time.

I was aware in the present moment and also aware of my AP body double's real time experience- while having my physical eyes open, yet able to see in some sort of Astral realm with AP eyes.

So this is what happened with my AP double:

While I was having a conversation with my bf, I was completely aware of me traveling back in the past to his younger self...all while he's exaplaining the backstory of a Chicago PD television episode in the present time.

My AP double traveled back in time and needed to tell my bf things to consider, so that his future self would be ok. He is 44, so I went back 22 years ago: he was 22 years old.

When he saw me, there was an immediate energetic recognition that he could not explain, but was very drawn to me. It's almost like he locked on to the frequency of my soul's signature and recognized it.

So I explained to him that I am from his future and that time of the future- he is 44 years old. When we meet in the future, I'm 10 years younger than him.

I also told him that I, too...have a self that is present in this time, but I'm 12 and living in California.

I could see that he loved me in his eyes and warned him to not view me in this way because I am not here to be a crush. I told him I know about his girlfriends so don't feel guilty about it, because we won't be kissing or anything of that nature. I told him that his future self tells me his life and his stories.

He then asked me if in the future, does he love me?

I said yes, sooooooooo much, in a joking smoochy type of way lol. So then I heard voices from people in his life that were affecting him. They came in sound wave spirals towards me. I didn't tell him what was affecting him or who- but I did tell him that just like I won't interfere with his romantic life and girlfriends...I won't interfere to stop these negative influences because they are his experiences and he has to live through them to learn.

I told him, a specific situation is not pleasant but you are going to make it worse by how you deal with it. So don't do what you've been doing. What you do now will affect you in the time I come from.

My 22 yr old bf listened and tried to get me to tell him different outcomes about the future, but I wouldn't tell him. When I saw his face look a bit disappointed, I told him if he ever heard the word "Bitcoin" to buy some. He said ok.

So then him and I walked to the area where my house would be built in the future, which presently, is not far from the house he grew up in.

I pointed at the trees and showed him this is our home, but it's not built yet, it's all trees and forrest.

I started telling him again that he has to change his ways. That in the big scheme of things, these issues blend together and are going to happen anyways- so why make unpleasant things.... WORSE? (At this time there was a third layer of consciousness that was higher than my AP double and I saw an even bigger picture of how things and events were interwoven- like fast flashing of times, but it wasn't meant for me to tell him this, and I don't think I could explain it even if I tried).

I also told him to promise not to tell anyone in his time that I came. I mentioned a specific friend of his by name.

My AP double told him I'll be back again to help.

So as the AP experience stopped, I was still in conversation with my bf in real time. He had to repeat something twice because I was a tad bit spacey, but it wasn't noticeable to him that my mind was in a different dimension. We finished watching the show and I didn't tell him about this until the next day.

This experience was a TRUE first time, fully conscious and awake AP - because I was getting the information as it was happening in the astral world, while being fully awake and conscious, in the physical world.

Has anyone else experienced a fully conscious AP and had two different experiences in two different modes of consciousness at the same time?

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