Thursday, February 25, 2021

How do I fix my relationship

When I met my girlfriend I was on top of the world. I was making 6 figures, I was performing and hosting shows every night of the week, sleeping at a different girls house every night, and my life revolves around me and my entourage. I would do the shows, girls would come to me afterwards and I would direct them to one of my friends to get their contact information so we could invite them to parties, clubs, etc.

At one of my events, my soon to be girlfriend got up on the stage and clearly showed interest. I wasn’t really interested at all. She ended up coming to one of our private parties and explicitly stated she was only there for me. That night we had sex and started hanging out regularly (my friends and I would come to her house often). Soon after we started sleeping at her house, and she would take me to work until the point where I developed feelings for her, she had incredible goals, she wanted to be a surgeon, her dad is a ceo at a gas company and overall she just had so much going for her.

Corona hit and I lost all my gigs, I lost my radio job, and I went from 6 figures to nothing. I lost my car, and my friends relationship with me had become so strained because of this relationship that we stopped taking (they didn’t like that I was spending so much time with this girl. I didn’t care though because I was in love. We moved in together and started our relationship during quarantine. 24/7, nonstop time together. It was perfect, no disagreements, no arguing. Literally a dream. We took trips everywhere, had crazy times in hotels hung out with celebrities, and lived the rockstar lifestyle.

One day she was taking pictures and I told her she could definitely be an Instagram influencer, I introduced her to my connections and after a month I had boosted her organically by about 20k followers. Before this girl, I had insane trust issues and I didn’t like the fact that all her exes, guy friends, and random Joe’s were reinserting themselves into her life. I ended up having to get a shitty 9-5 One day I was at work and she said an old friend of hers (guy) and her other friend (girl) were coming over. Right before the guy gets there, the girl cancels. So I was extremely uncomfortable and stressed at work, so I called her. I stayed on the phone for 2 hours while her and the guy hung out. She was extremely unhappy about it and said that the relationship wouldn’t work if I didn’t trust her. A huge argument ensued and in the end I saw no other choice but to trust her. I let it go and told myself I loved this girl. This was the first time I was able to fully trust a woman. She got a text from DC Youngfly the comedian saying he wanted pictures of her “that she wouldn’t normally post on Instagram” she wanted him to follow her so she added him on Snapchat and he continued to ask for nudes. I specifically asked her not to send him anything and she didn’t listen. She sent him a video of her dancing in the mirror in a swimsuit. I was pissed not because of the video but because she told me she wouldn’t send him anything and she did anyway. We almost broke up because of that. I packed all my shit and said you know what, its not worth it. She basically begged me to stay and said she would change. I loved her and at this point I had invested so much into this that I couldn’t leave.

Shortly after she got a job as a bottle girl with my sister for a bunch of different clubs. Unfortunately the job requires you to lead guys on so they can buy sections and bottles etc. So she had several nba, nfl, rappers, all around rich guys flirting with her on a daily basis. She was very good about telling them she was in a relationship and she told me everything that went on, without me asking. Once she had a guy from the club texting her at 2am saying he wanted to see her. She was asleep so I texted him from her phone saying “I’m busy laying next to my boyfriend lmfao” when she found out she went crazy. She said that if I ever texted another person from her phone again that was the end of the relationship.

Soon after we got this incredible apartment on the 32nd floor of a high rise. (Her dad pays the bills.) Because of my criminal history I couldn’t get on the lease and now she’s free to kick me out whenever she wants, the problem is, I paid for everything that isn’t bills. Furniture, application fees, smart home appliances, her car note. Now she’s changed. When we got the apartment we agreed that we would use it to rebuild my network, invite high spenders over, make connections and I could get back to making what I was making before. But that isn’t how it’s going. All this fame and attention has gone to her head. Yesterday I invited my very good friend over, he’s very well connected and has tons of insider knowledge on the industry. We were at the gym and I told her he’d be there in an hour. An hour later she was taking pictures and I told her I was gonna go down and get him. She exploded, she thought that it had only been 10 minutes (I showed her the call was an hour ago) he brought food and drinks and she was acting insane. She told me she didn’t want anyone over and threw a tantrum about it. I couldn’t turn this guy down so I went down and got him. Brought him up and she’d decided she wanted to go out. Perfectly fine with me, I want her to be happy. So she got ready we all took some shots and she left. I hung out with my friend and talked it up. When she got home she was drunk and happy, great. Everything was going good until she noticed that her dog had pissed on the floor. She freaked out, called me irresponsible and said if it happened again she was taking my key to the apartment. This isn’t the first time she’s hung this over my head, several times in the past she puts the relationship on the line, or my lifestyle in general.

I realized there was a problem today when she told me she’d be going out, so I invited some friends to hang by the pool and have some drinks. She decided she wanted to stay home and spend time with me, cook, watch movies, etc. so without telling her I canceled on all my friends, knowing that if I’d told her I had made plans prior she would not be happy. 20 minutes later she decided she actually wanted to go out. So I sat alone at home.

She noticed I was unhappy but I couldn’t tell her why so I just told her I was tired. I had a nightmare last night about her and I woke up at 4am which is why I’m creating this post. I love this girl, but her whole mindset has changed, her focus in school has diminished, she’s become irritable, and selfish. It’s to the point where all she cares about is her. I’ve tried sitting her down to talk about it and this is how she sees it. I am number 4 on her list of priorities. First is her, then it’s her career then her family then me. She even told me she would end the relationship for an opportunity. I have invested a year in this relationship, I threw away everything to be with this girl. How do I fix this? Is it a problem with me? Am I not seeing it the right way? I tried to be 100% open and honest with my description.

Things to mention about her; She’s very good at shifting the narrative, ie; if I am unhappy that there’s a man at my house while I’m at work, I’m untrusting and “relationships don’t work without trust”

She’s extremely controlling and blatantly uses the fact that she’s a woman as an excuse. ie; I wanted to invest in Bitcoin, she forced me to take out all my money because we needed a tv stand, then the same day she used money to buy a Furbo for her dog and started a monthly subscription to bark box so her dog can get treats and toys every month. Her excuse was: I’m a woman, sometimes we do things that don’t make sense.

She doesn’t like to accept responsibility for anything and will instead find ways to blame others. ie; she forgot to close the trash can and claimed that it was broken/had to be a ghost because she always closes the trash can.

When she takes good pictures/is looking good. She becomes a total bitch. ie; she got dressed up for a photoshoot, and I came to give her a kiss, she pushed me away and said I was being annoying. Then got on her phone. I got on my phone and started watching videos and she complained that I’m always on my phone.

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