Friday, February 19, 2021

I Have a Theory about Tesla, Bitcoin & Silver

Ok, so I've spent the past 12 years seriously stacking, reading way too much geopolitical financial news and coming up with crazy theories and possible scenarios...

This morning I had this thought, Tesla Model S uses 2 oz of silver & 220lbs of copper for each car, and I'd bet all electric cars use a crap load of silver, which I think will basically make electric cars a total failure once we hit true market value of silver, only the rich will be able to afford an electric car.

Now here is my theory, what if Tesla invested in Bitcoin as a distraction to get the herd to pile into Bitcoin and suck up the liquidity in the market away from physical silver?

Think about everything that has been happening the last 90 days, never has so much been revealed to so many in such a short period of time, we are seeing information being revealed now on MSM that normally only would be available to new junkies researching.

There is no way the commodity buyers at large industrial and commercial users didn't know what was happening in the silver market, no way.

Seriously there is no way this is an organic movement, #silversqueeze trending on social media was a planned event, I know for a fact the trending on YouTube, Facebook, and Tweeter are monitored and administered by humans, they decide what trends, and if it does start organically trending it is reviewed instantly.

We know the banksters own and run the world, there is no way Jamie Dimon isn't going to get someone to call little Jack up at Tweeter and tell them to remove #silversqueeze trending if this was going to cost them trillion$ in loses, they have the power and control.

Seriously think about there is no way a bunch of reddit users caused this, we are talking $100s of billions of dollars of manipulation control, this is planned event to collapse the system.

They've weakened us with a year of the COVI hoax, the middle class has been destroyed, massive amounts of generational wealth has been destroyed, money velocity worldwide has come to a grinding halt.

You can't shift gears on the monetary system while it's still in motion, this isn't a synchronized mesh sports car transmission type scenario, this is a huge machine that needs to stop first to shift gears.

I believe and this is only my opinion, we are witnessing the world's largest wealth transfer in the history of mankind, and after this there will be only two types of people very rich and very poor...

I alway kept some kind of silver on my desk the past 12 years...

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