Sunday, February 21, 2021

Planning for more events like $GME, Texas Snow and future pandemics

I've always kept my eye on this community since collapse is in the back of my mind 24/7. The two events that have made me go into full blown panic are $GME and the horrible conditions in Texas. I'm in the north east, young guy (just turned 22), not in good shape physically and mentally (working on it), thankfully working a decent job and living at home with my family.

Seeing everything that went down with $GME made me lose all my faith in our financial system that I already had so very little hope left in. Since then, I have been studying crypto endlessly and preparing to HODL Bitcoin and Ethereum to protect against the future collapse of fiat currencies.

After the snowy hell of Texas this past week+, I am trying to figure out how to prep my home for any disasters like of Texas. Moving somewhere else is not a real option for me so hunkering down is my only choice.

My pops and I bought a generator a while back and I am going to be testing it tomorrow to make sure its working properly. We have enough tools and supplies to mend anything in the house and to fortify the house if need be. We keep a small pantry of canned and dried foods in the basement and some frozen stuff in our other fridge as well. I definitely want to add more to that in the near future. Pantry contains mostly canned fish, dried beans and rice, flour, coffee, salt, sugar, a couple jugs of water that I always keep stocked and some frozen meats in the freezers that we cycle through frequently. We also have a little garden in the backyard for growing produce in the spring/summer. Its not a lot but its better than nothing.

I do have a emergency fund stocked up to pay bills in the event of losing my job for whatever reason. I am planning on liquidating more of my savings and transferring it to crypto once I have everything set up with that. My job is stable(ish?), in a booming but stressful field, and my managers are good to me - they let me do tons of overtime and let me do whatever I want so long as the work is done. It is a night shift position that I will never give up since its off hours so I miss a lot of traffic. Cops are the only thing that worry me since I'm a POC (ACAB btw).

I am not sure what else I can do to prepare. I am very nervous for the future and have no one to talk to about it. I never really planned for this sorta thing until right before the pandemic when I landed my current job (my 1st job post college). At the age of 22, I already have talked with my loved ones about what to do with me as well as my assets when I die.

The only thing that help me cope are reading my favorite mangas, eating good food while I can and just taking in the fleeting normalcy I have now. Just breathing the winter air at night while I'm outside on my break at work seems like a fleeting gift that will become a dream soon. Appreciating the little things definitely helps.

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