70% XEQT 30% BTC/ETH 50/50. Is my allocation to aggressive? It was lower although when bitcoin and Ethereum jumped it pushed me way up. I don’t dabble in other coins.
My book value is 20% although it’s gone up substantially. I don’t really want to sell as it’ll cause a taxable event. 10% of book value is holding the real thing and the other 10% is holding the bitcoin ETF within my TFSA.
I also own a house as well with a relatively low payment. I have 0 debt. The 30% doesn’t include the cash I hold nor the house. Just liquid investment accounts.
I’m 27 and don’t need the money for a long while. I’m trying to really buy a lot of index funds (XEQT) to drive down the crypto %. I also continue to DCA biweekly around.
I know this community isn’t to friendly with crypto although if you were in my situation would you suggest disposing of my TFSA allocation to reduce exposure or leave it alone buy more XEQT to increase index exposure?
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