Monday, April 12, 2021

🚨🚨Announcement to Shareholders: Knowledge is Power 🚨🚨

As a Shareholder of a company, no matter how large or small, you have an incentive to share knowledge of the company you own. We have a very unique opportunity with this subreddit to share ideas and become more knowledgeable, collectively as a group. We’ve nearly doubled in size the past week and we have a lot of new members who need to be caught up to speed on what this company TRULY is.

I think it’s very important that all members here understand the fact that SOS Limited is not “just” a Bitcoin mining company. SOS is a technology, healthcare, marketing, insurance and financial conglomerate with MANY existing and emerging streams of revenue. It ALSO just happens to own one of the largest crypto-mining operations of any publicly traded company in the world.

I am currently working on a DD post that will take a deeper dive into each of these revenue streams, as well as the background and future of SOS Limited, but that will take some time.

I’ve recently opened conversations with Bull & Bear Trading from Seeking Alpha and have joined his private “Trader’s Idea Flow.” There he has shared many, many of his thoughts on SOS to that small group of subscribers. I don’t think he would mind if I shared one of those thoughts with everyone here. I think the last sentence of this paragraph sums up my post pretty well:

“Early investors into a very young growth stock, like us, may not be accustomed to the pace of developments and PR from the company. News may be announced when we least expect it, or it may be included as a bundle of key items on the upcoming ER date. Until the stock gains some overall market support from a few new institutional investors, and widens the scope of its retail interest, it will be vulnerable. Also, it is important for us to grow the narrative on SOS beyond being just a crypto miner. 70% of 2021 revenues are being delivered by the more stable data mining / blockchain innovation being delivered by SOS for large Chinese corporations in the real estate, healthcare and insurance industries. This business has a huge upside potential. Think of the revenue streams that FB and GOOG generate from a similar line of business in the U.S. Now apply that same model to this emerging small cap in a nation with a population of 1.4B people. The upside is almost limitless. That is the narrative that we want to grow, along with the sharply increasing revenues from crypto mining. An estimated 70% of 2021 revenues may come from the core business of data mining / blockchain. It is in shareholder's interests to begin sharing this very significant fact with the market. Being identified as "just a miner" only tells 30% of the 2021 story for SOS. Again, I am a believer that SOS will deliver innovations in blockchain and De-Fi that will give them a leadership position in this global, greenfield opportunity. Management has discussed their "pioneering work" in this space, and the header on the SOS website's home page is: Blockchain Innovators Serving The World. I believe that the 400% revenue growth in 2020 and again in 2021 an estimated 400% growth once again, this may be the tip of the iceberg for revenue growth at SOS. The blockchain / De-Fi space presents nearly a limitless upside with the development of a few patents achieved by SOS, there is likely to be a steady influx of new capital into this stock in 2021. Candidly, we want to benefit from the upward trend in crypto, and we also want to expand the narrative to include the bigger opportunity in blockchain / De-Fi. The selling points for SOS are the 3 emerging revenue streams in blockchain innovation, crypto mining, and the coming De-Fi, compared to other peers of SOS (RIOT and MARA) who are just miners. If we want to see the marketplace for SOS grow, and we do want to see this positive event occur, then we must communicate more broadly on this stock beyond just crypto mining. 70% of 2021 revenues demand that we do so.”

Please help me and the other mods spread the word about what this company TRULY is. As a shareholder of this company, it is in your best interest to do so.

Good luck to all,


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