Tuesday, April 20, 2021

How can I give stuff to people?

Okay so, fairly simple "problem". Me and a few friends are rather rich (all above 150M) and this late in the wipe we really just want to give it away.

Note for clarity, I stream and the people I want to give it to are randoms in game but also the audience (which makes it less random obviously), and under no circumstance does a subscriber have more chance than a first time viewer. Zero real money involved in any way.

So obviously we know we can't take 100 BTC with us in raid, but we have a lot of GPUs and BTC lying around, dozens of thermals and other expensive items, and right now we're just doing squad games with the viewers and we give it to them at the start. Some pouch it, some don't, and if they die we just leave it there for whoever killed the guy. It makes interesting and funny content and still helps a lot of the viewers to progress when they are just starting or struggle in money. Some are below level 10 so you can imagine it's a big help.

I have a few questions to people who have the answer (so ideally BSG itself or a mod here) :

  • Is it okay ? If not, what can I do to make it legal ?
  • To what extent can we give stuff without getting in trouble ?
  • Is it considered boosting or a bannable offense in any way?
  • How would you advise giving stuff outside of sherpa'ing ? I have given hundreds of kits over the last few wipes under the "sherpa" reason, but here it clearly leans towards the loterry side of things more than the "let me help you do this quest", does it change anything or is it still okay?

πŸ‘‡The interesting part is here πŸ‘‡

And to everyone, even outside of BSG, I have but one question and it's one for creativity :

Do you guys have cool ideas in ways we can interact with the community and give that stuff away? Without having to send clips / contest material, just join chat, join game, do X Y Z and get cool loot.

Last week we were just giving it away, this week we're asking for a few in game challenges (kill X scavs, make long range kill, loot 3 safes in dorms, etc.).

Next week we're doing fedex quests, so we go in raid, ask the guy to bring us found in raid specific items, and if he finds it he and comes back to us, we trade it in raid and he gets the cool stuff. For example we'd ask for found in raid 40k roubles in interchange to force them to do all cash registers and then give them a bitcoin. Or find 10 weapons, or 2 dogtags, or anything like that.

We're also doing "I have left a ledX somewhere in this room" and 3 people are searching like crazy, it's pretty funny. SPecifically when I start throwing flashes and they start meleeing each other when they think the other will find it first.

Another idea is "Get it from me" where everyone uses melee only. One guy has like 5 keycards on him and a ton of stims / meds, everyone else is melee only, either limited to a small space like interchange parking lot, or to the whole map. 5 seconds head start, and everyone fights to kill and loot the guy. Sometimes the refereee/camera man will throw in a few random events like "THrowing a flash" or "Here's a KS23 with 2 rounds", or "Hey is that a graphics cards in the trunk of that car??" :D

I would LOVE to have better ideas that you guys might have to make it more interesting for everyone.

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