Tuesday, April 20, 2021

recent bullish news summary regarding Btc/crypto?

quick summary of recent bullish news events for crypto/Btc;

  • China officially changing its stance regarding crypto

  • Coinbase going public

  • recent ATH’s for Eth/Btc

  • Canada launching the first Eth ETF and several Bitcoin ETF’s prior (presumably the US will follow soon). extra exposure to crypto for more traditional traders (or that’s how i understand it)

  • Gary Gensler chairman of SEC (people have mixed opinions on this, but he undoubtedly knows blockchain tech and some clarification on SEC regulations will probably be good in the mid/long-term)

  • Tesla making some noise publicly about Btc

what else am i missing? general good news/signs that the bull market is unlikely to be over? (which i don’t think it is). i thought maybe some general broad reminders might be good to consider while things are bleeding. a bigger picture look at recent events

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