Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ignore the market uncertainty right now and hold.

If you bought in above current market price and are thinking of cashing out or you are being scared off by whales hear me out for a second. This last week we saw two big developments that are not short term pumps.

1). Elon stating that SpaceX will be paid in Dogecoin for a mission called Doge-1.

2). Tesla is going to abandon effect immediately accepting Bitcoin for cars and will be looking for other crypto in the <1% power consumption range.

First off, point 1 is a long term commitment to Dogecoin. It’s not a short term pump. This will help Dogecoin in two ways. It will keep Dogecoin relevant in the news and social media for a year. Two, it will very like cause the value of Dogecoin to rise as we get closer to launch. No other crypto has this sort of backing aside from Bitcoin. This launch event will be a world wide event bringing tons of attention to Dogecoin. Without a doubt. That is real growth.

Second, the ousting of Bitcoin by one of most successful electric car companies in the world is shocking and was done so for reasons related to the environment. This will undoubtedly have a ripple effect in the year to come when more companies have to weight the impact they are making by accepting Bitcoin for everyday transactions. Bitcoin is going to wind up only a vehicle for store value like gold. The other part to this is the speculation that Dogecoin will be accepted by Tesla. I can’t see why it wouldn’t be. If one of Elon’s companies accepts if then why not the other. Why spend all this time and energy hyping Dogecoin and accepting it, just pick some other alt down the line? How would that play out with the Doge-1 mission? You don’t go around setting people up to use Dogecoin just to swap out to another coin. That hurts crypto acceptance on the whole.

I see nothing but growth for Dogecoin in the long term. I am holding and have been since 2014. Exciting times are ahead. Forget about this dip. Go out and buy something with dogecoin. Just my two cents.


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