Saturday, May 29, 2021

$ New Token PBL - Come build a decentralized global community of digital defi ecosystem. $πŸš€

New currency / token (solid fundamentals) πŸ”₯πŸ”₯About Polkalab: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

“What is Polkalab? Polkalab's vision is to build a decentralized, global digital ecosystem community that allows content to freely transfer its money from one person to another and also request cryptographic loans for defi projects.

OlkPolkalab PBL is an Internet peer-to-peer currency that allows instant and near-zero payments to anyone in the world. Polkalab (PBL) is a fully decentralized open source global payment network with no central authority. Mathematics protects the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Polkalab (PBL) features faster transaction commit times and greater storage efficiency than math-based core currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Americoin (PBL) is a proven means of trading complementary to Bitcoin!

The infrastructure Polkalab will encourage the creation of Defi and financial diversity and will return the rights and value to its user.

Polkalab will be a public protocol that not only carries yelid cultivation value, but is also a cryptography for your daily contributions. Decentralized digital Polkalab system.

πŸ“„ Contract address: 0x6D9f7970885397E781B951E600b790fc2b03B3d7 πŸ”΄

πŸ“„ Token name: Polkalab

⌨️ BSC Scan:

⌨️ Pancakeswap:

♦ ️ Social networks and links ♦ ️

⌨️ Website:

πŸ“ Telegram:

🐦 Twitter:

Road map:

✅T1 2020 Creation of Ideas Idea about PBL and project planning.

✅ 2nd quarter of 2020 Market research After the idea and the plan, the market research for PBL was started.

✅Q3 2021 Airdrop Live When the preparation is finished, we launch the Airdrop event for PBL.

✅Q4 2021 Listing PancakeSwap and JulSwap We listed on Pancake Swap and added liquidity in May.

✅Q5 2021 Future listing target Latoken, Hotbit, Dcoin, Whitebit, Probit, Kucoin.

✅Q6 2022 TradePBL integration platform target for the electronics market.

πŸ“„ Contract address: 0x6D9f7970885397E781B951E600b790fc2b03B3d7 πŸ”΄

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