Monday, May 17, 2021

The thing about elon musk is:

Its about his hypocrecy, i really felt like you dont know so imma try to explain, the thing here is that youve failed to see the whole chain of events, elon was doing good in all our eyes, after all anything about space draws a lot of attention, it all started with stimulus checks and robinhood app 4 months ago, after the ban of stock trades of amc and game stop by the wallstreet, elon stepped forward and persued the mass crowd to purchase dogecoin, the doge price skyrocketed about 1600% in less than 24hrs, a win for everyone, then telsa purchased some 1.5billion $ of bitcoin and he tweeted about tesla accepting bitcoin as payment for the products, by doing so bitcoin prices went up even more, (not to mention musks huge profit on both instances), not long after he called doge a hustle and forced its dip while everyone was expecting its price to go up woth his NFL speech, shortly after he critised bitcoin for its mining so called pollution forcing the dip we are facing right now! If you connect the dots youll realise maybe elon was a good guy in the first two acts but after that everything he did was the true definition of market manipulation, he has a lot of followers and believers after all and he is just abusing this fact for his personall gains, and no matter what no one can convince me elon had no knowledge of the so called pollution of bitcoin minning when he first purchased bitcoin and accepted it as a payment method, i hope you find this long info useful or maybe enlightning. Goodluck!

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