Monday, May 10, 2021

What's his deal with doge?

Doge is similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin in tech and mining method. It's poorly maintained. It's unlimited unlike BTC. The managers have no future vision for it unlike Ethereum which is planning to transit to Proof of Staking making it more sustainable and energy efficient in future.

It was started as a sarcasm, a parody of so many Altcoins, to make fun of them that People would by anything. And people literally did.

The whale event happened yesterday, makes me skeptical of Doge. Most people are here to make money, become millionaires overnight, so they will dump it.

(Don't get me wrong, I'm too part of the Hodlers Wagon because I don't want to be left behind. And in general people who want to make money should be accepted, because liquidity is healthy for any currency.)

So why is Elon musk interested in it so much? I hope this post didn't get removed.

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