Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Do not use games.bitcoin.com

Hey, again! Just me wasting my money so that you guys don't have to, and hopefully people will search "is games.bitcoin.com legit" so I can tell them no! Stay away.

This review actually has nothing to do with losing, so, save your time fake scammer accounts. My experience? Worked in a casino. Grew up in a family that ran a casino. Software developer. And ex avid gambler.

I decided to try out the casino side of Bitcoin.com. Short story short. Is Bitcoin Games (games.bitcoin.com) a scam? In my opinion, yes. It could be incredibly bad programming by developers but if you're a "leading" casino, then this is unacceptable.

----In any case, just don't gamble, especially online---

I deposited well over their "deposit bonus" minimum. I read their terms and conditions and use of service to a tee. As a developer, I've read hundreds of these and have written quite a few.

The deal was "deposit X amount and get X percentage back in bonus BTC" which was basically free play.

As I was waiting for my deposit, I was testing out a game and testing their probabilities. I saw that my deposit hit through a notification. I wasn't quite finished doing my test (which was so far an extra 15% in their favor than was advertised after 500 games which tells me that I either have 1:500,000,000,000 bad luck, or it's programmed heavily in their favor, illegally. Provably is ridiculous because you can't see the code that's processing behind the scenes. Any moderate programmer could make something look legitimate) and suddenly a pop up comes up that is telling me that I'm out of crypto and that I need to deposit more money.

So, while I was in demo mode, it switched to real crypto after my deposit hit without my knowledge. A popup did come up asking me if I wanted to switch to live betting. It froze the screen because the first time I was about to push bet again but the popup blocked it.

I paused every time to make sure I knew what I was pressing because I needed to make sure it was on the demo game. It asked me 3 times before automatically and without my consent switching me to live crypto betting.

Normally, I would say it was just bad programming or a bug, but the following events leads me to think that this was on purpose.

I sent them a message describing the error and they wrote back "we've checked the situation and found no error on our end."

That's ridiculous, because 1. If it was an error, it likely wouldn't register as an error. It's a bug after all. And 2. If you claim to be the biggest crypto casino and you can't credit a few hundred dollars for a possible error, then you're either not making any money, or it's a scam because no one has a death grip on funds more than a scammer.

At this point, I would like to point out that the deposit bonus was chosen as it was very adamant in making me accept it before I deposited my crypto. I sent over the required amount since I figured the site was legit and I felt like gambling a little bit. I've never won, but I don't do it very often as I used to have a gambling problem.

---unimportant personal side story--- I've won $10k in one night and still left the casino -$10k down within a night. I don't like Bitcoin casinos because the pattern is nearly identical to video roulette. They try to give you the illusion that it's random or fair but nothing could be further from the truth. Example, if you play two video roulette games and you bet 10x on black on one and 2x on red on the other, then the red will always win. You can use this to your advantage though because if a lot of people are betting more on a certain color, or dozen, then you can bet the opposite below their amount and win nearly every single time. I'm sure they've fixed it since I've stopped gambling 4 years ago. Oh, and it was never worth the time because no one ever played it, and when they did, there wasn't ever any significant bets. I've only observed this happening from playing a $100 here and there. I would always end it by betting it all on one number. Never won. Ha. Real roulette is my absolute favorite because it's a matter of probability. As long as you can half ass keep track of numbers that hit. If you go through 100 games and you notice that a number didn't hit: raise your bet on that number and it'll likely land within 5 spins. In the mean time, bet on the lowest won dozen section (there are 6 so you have to keep a grid visual in your head), and let it ride 3 times before resetting your bet back your minimum bet. Roulette is unfortunately illegal in my state so I only ever got to play in Vegas. Which is fine. Because remember. The casino always has the upper edge. ---unimportant personal side story end---

So, anyway. The deposit bonus was supposed to hit a few days later. I checked once a day just in case they had a time limit. I never had any expectation that I'd receive it because they've given me scam vibes.

It's been 10 days and absolutely no bonus or email has been received. I've messaged them 6 times to see if they'd respond. There was zero response. A tell-tale sign of a scam.

Remember: 1. Scammers will have many fake profiles that comment in favor of the scammer. These AI reddit bots are getting very sophisticated that make it look like they have a genuine history, but one look will see the patterns in their posting. (No one will actually defend a company, especially a casino—I grew up with my dad as a CEO of a casino—by showing proof that they didn't get scammed. Even a person of very low intelligence will understand that situations are unique and that your situation does not mean it equals all situations.) 2. These profiles will die hard to discredit you 3. These profiles first attempt will be to gas light you to make you think that you misunderstood how something works. 4. If you persist, then these profiles will start to lose their tempers. Again. Real people are not this die hard for a company. 5. This isn't an exclusive list and it doesn't contain all of their tactics, and not all scammers operate the same but most do. 6. Short generic reviews online mean nothing. That's why I don't look at crypto reviews because it's just filled with bots by their competition.

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