Thursday, June 3, 2021

Goodbye, Paradigm

Imagine this, you beautiful retards 💎🙌

Between DTCC insurance, the Fed, Hedgie AUMs, there's a very real probability that this squeeze will transfer trillions of dollars of wealth to anyone part of the squeeze. A few things are bound to happen.

Let's use $50T as an example of the total potential box of tendies.

Short run:

That is currently 2.5x US GDP with the potential to destabilize the US dollar as a safe haven currency. With EU already talking about having a decentralized digital currency, you can expect the crypto market to receive a massive injection of MOASS capital.

In anticipation of this, I am personally going to reinvest 40% of my AMC and GME holdings into Bitcoin and Ethereum.

I don't know who the responsible regulator is, but the US government will probably step in to stay the utter devaluation of the currency and utter devastation in the stock market. Maybe they set a guaranteed clearing price of $69,420/GME share, who the f knows.

If your brain is still smooth, you'll withdraw it all and buy a Lambo with Ken Griffin taking it up the backdoor painted on the hood. But if your brain developed a wrinkle or two throughout this process, you'll keep your brokerage account open and buy that economic dip.

The surge in the M1 and M2 money supply will pose a significant inflation threat, so the Fed will probably sell a shitload of bonds and jack up interest rates concurrently. Given the metric fuckton the US government stands to make on capital gains and estate tax, they can afford to take a hit to the face value of bonds.

For that reason, I am reinvesting 20% in inverse bond ETFs. Some 7-10 year US Treasury ETFs are already up 20%. But Imo this gain hasn't fully priced in the Fed's inevitable tightening response if the MOASS goes critical.

The entire stock market will probably crash, as the shorts get margin called and their positions are liquidated. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ will be far below its 2008 lows. By now those fat asset discounts should get your degenerate dicks hard.

For that reason, I am reinvesting 20% in blue chip, financial institutions, FAANG stocks, and index funds. It's a liquidation sale, everything must go. Make u/DFV proud, show him you were paying attention. Deep Fucking Value will be everywhere.

Then I'll withdraw 20%, retire my parents, donate to charity, pay for my brother's wedding, clear my debt, and maybe travel somewhere.

Long run:

The internet has been one wild ride. Dotcom bubble, tech innovation, the information age, social media, ecommerce, blockchain, etc etc. But we've never experienced an event like this. We've never experienced an organized decentralized social movement at this scale before.

The internet won't just be a tool. The internet will become a more integral aspect of human psyche than it already is. To miss out on information would be to miss out on opportunity for evolution. Our upgraded ability to consume and apply information will be a catalyst for a new age.

While it might be fun to celebrate a massive windfall, we must not forget the rest of society. We have a moral obligation to those who were not as fortunate, those who didn't buy in on time, those who are starving, those who are refugees, those who are sick, those who are needy. Even the paper hands.

We have a responsibility for our collective humanity. If we fall to greed and corruption, we will be no better than the hedge funds we took down. The wealth gap will continue to widen, and we will be right back where we started, and we will become the new 1% that we once hated.

But I believe in us retards. I believe that we will help our neighbors. I believe that we will do our part to make the world a better place.

Why do I believe?

Because apes together strong.

To the moon, retards. To the fucking moon.


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