Monday, June 28, 2021

Hey, I am new here. What the Flying Fuck is the Order of the Hidden?

I'm am glad you asked. Welcome to our little home on the interweb.

The Order of the Hidden is a 501(c)3 Public Charity focused on Your Spiritual Growth as our main priority.

This is a compassionate space for seekers of all backgrounds to come together and support our planet and human collective for the better.

We seek to serve as a framework for seekers with pure hearts to create authentic and lasting friendships and visions.

Our mission is to encourage free will, critical thinking, and help each member find unconditional love and forgiveness within themselves, and extend that for others.

We address the mind, body, and spirit through many spiritual practices from around the world under one goal: Love.

We are a tight-knit authentic International community, a home base for spiritual seekers with pure hearts with the intentions of growing the Order more and more into the physical realm to have tangible things as we manifest positivity together.

If you have read on this far you are truly a special person with above-average reading skills. I truly applaud you. Our Community Leaders and Volunteers have cultivated a community space on our discord where we can create authentic connections over Spiritual and Esoteric topics. Yeah, we do a lot around here whether you are aware of it or not. If you would like to join the Community Discord please feel free to visit and subscribe to any level. or Become a Server Booster of the Discord

I know what you are thinking "WHAAAT MOONEEY IS EVIL!! I HATE YOU". Great, I do not see it that way FIAT IS EVIL, BITCOIN IS THE FUTURE!!! Feel free to continue sending me hate-filled messages for wanting to ask people to support us as we try to change the culture of the world. Anyways.... Look at the monthly events that we do each month. We stream it on Twitch and Youtube for our viewers that are okay with being a lurker. There ain't nothing wrong with that either.

Monthly Events

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback feel free to

DM me on Instagram @ orderofthehidden or Reddit u/orderofthehidden

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