Saturday, June 5, 2021

How are we supposed to use crypto as a currency right now. I mean seriously.

I've seen plenty of posts in this sub saying crypto is really only an investment. Like this one here.

If crypto is only seen as an investment, and there is no care to its ability to be a currency, I begin to ask myself, whats the point of it? To add more market for Wall Street to play around with? Or to be a... Currency. Yeah no that isn't the goal, at least not anymore it seems.

Like come on, you have two options for your average joe to buy ya a little bit of crypo: Exchanges and ATMs


Okay so we got all of your personal information in a centralized database and we could probably be held responsible for identity theft in a future "unlikely event" our data is leaked, thats a check you're now verified!

Anyhoo lets buy some coin! Cool you bought yourself some BTC with that little debit card of yours, hey it is quick! You like being able to spend your money quickly do ya!

Heres your coin. What? You wanted to withdrawal it for a quick purchase at the Cafe? Oh sorry we hold your coin for <7/14/30/90> days before it can be spent. Its for your safety.

Who even spends their crypto, the coin isn't literal silly. Its an investment! Thats what the world need right? MORE FUCKING INVESTMENT OPTIONS!

Just do what every crypto family is doing nowadays, buy the funds for your purchases, like food, maybe a shirt, a week ahead of time!


You either give me 10% or we're done. What this, you think its worse than regular ATMs and is not convenient at all? Bitcoin has already fluctuating to the point where your purchase is no longer viable? Sorry pal this is the future, get fucked and eat shit.

/s Yes there are coins out there with a stronger basis on their ability to be spent, including less fluctuations and lower fees. But that doesn't change the absolute hassle Exchanges are nowadays for making a quick purchase.

e: Corrections

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