Thursday, June 24, 2021

June Roundup - The Top 7 Crypto News & Sentiments that we discuss

Hi crypto friends.

It's been a pretty eventful month here and I thought I'd recap some of the top news and sentiments that we've been reading about and discussing.

1) [News] A number of countries are entering the crypto arena, further legitimizing the usage of cryptocurrencies.

El Salvador made big moves, sidestepping USD and declaring BTC as a legal tender. Other countries are coming out and acknowledging that crypto has a future in their respective nations.


2) [Sentiment] Take advice here with a grain of salt and make your own decisions.

Everyone has a different investing style, whether it's the full on YOLO or the noble DCA. Do your own research and come up with a plan that works for you.


3) [News] China banned crypto mining, and miners are seeking refuge elsewhere.

FUD or not, China is making their position on crypto known and having big impact on the overall sentiment of the market by banning crypto mining. Some of our users offer that the removal of China's influence is bullish in the long term.


4) [News] BTC hit the Death Cross and the price movement has become more bearish in comparison to previous months.

Often confused with a cool metal band name, Death Cross is a technical indicator where the 50-day Moving Average drops below the 200-day Moving Average, indicating a reduction in buying momentum. While the price action has gotten more bearish the past few months, there seem to be signs of resiliency at $30k - only time will tell if BTC bounces back or moves lower.

(not really any post references for this one but it was all the rage in the daily for a good while)

5) [Sentiment] Crypto veterans are coming out of the woodwork to offer their perspective to newer investors during these unpredictable times.

It's been a wild ride the past few months, and as a new crypto investor or not, we all have something to learn from the experiences of those who have been through the wringer once or twice.


6) [News] Whales and Smart money continue to BTFD.

Mighty Mike, Auntie Cathie, and the top BTC wallets are showing us what it means to have balls of steel and buy the f'ing dip - an exemplary demonstration of conviction and patience.


7) [News] Adoption continues to grow impressively at both a retail and institutional level

Whether it's your next-door neighbor or a big bank on Wall Street, crypto is penetrating the mainstream ethos and nobody wants to miss the boat.


And that does it for the June roundup of the top 7 news and sentiments that we've been reading and discussing. I'll leave you with a Bonus #8, "when mainnet?"

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