Thursday, July 29, 2021

Don’t let your computer become a hacker’s cash machine


When you are surfing the Internet, have you noticed that the advertisement page that pops up on the website occasionally has some encrypted airdrop advertisements, it is possible that once you click, your encrypted currency wallet will be stolen instantly. This is not an imaginary, but a real event-phishing scams.

Recently, the anti-virus software Avast released a research report that pointed out that since the beginning of this year, most of the phishing sites blocked by Avast's laboratory researchers are impersonating legal managed wallets, and more of them are in countries where cryptocurrency is the most common. Among them, the United States, Brazil, and Nigeria are the biggest targets of these encryption scams, while Russia, France, the United Kingdom, and India have high scams. This is inseparable from the vigorous development of the cryptocurrency market, especially after El Salvador decided to use Bitcoin as the country's legal tender. Bitcoin's status has improved, and more and more countries have recognized the status of cryptocurrency.

Some analysts believe that 2021 will be a record-breaking year for cryptocurrencies. Indeed, as Bitcoin is having a ripple effect on a wider area of ​​the world, it has also become a more profitable target for hackers. So how to avoid becoming a hacker's cash machine in the trend of cryptocurrency development?

First, avoid clicking on unidentified links and files on the Internet, including text, social media, third-party messaging platforms or emails, and do not connect to unknown networks and USB flash drives. In addition, regular anti-virus and backup of the computer can also prevent the computer from being poisoned and suffering losses.

More importantly, choose a strong and secure cryptocurrency wallet. When choosing a hosting or software wallet, you should make sure to provide a provider that provides two-factor authentication. It is best to choose a hardware wallet that is not connected to the Internet and not connected to electronic devices, such as the Sallet One cold wallet, which is never connected to the Internet + completely open source, which is best for users protection of.

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