Friday, July 9, 2021

✨ EarnKCS - The Home of Earn Tokenomics ✨

Introducing; EarnKCS - Kucoin's first Earn token for passive yield farming. Kucoin's smartchain is growing, and with it we are building THE hub for Earn Tokenomics. With our wallet dashboard, KCS can be collected from reflections whilst you trade. Want to earn KCS whilst Kucoin is still under $100? Come and join us, then snowball our way towards Kucoin-pegged Bitcoin, Eth, ADA, Link and more!

☕️ Listing on KoffeeSwap

👛 Earn KCS by holding!

🌐 Web3 Dapp on launch for viewing stats and collecting dividends

📅 Earn Token launch events for future Kucoin-Pegged tokens!

🛠 Earn Token dashboard, for metrics and collecting earnings

🗺 Roadmap of Earn Token launches!

🧑‍ Community driven with paid promotions

📈 Contract: Coming Soon!

📊 Chart: Coming Soon!

✈️ Telegram:

🐦 Twitter: Coming Soon!

🌐 Website:

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