Sunday, July 4, 2021

My Strategy For Knowing Good Coins to Hodl; Let Me Know Your Thoughts

now, i'm no God nor prophet, but i've taken some time to look into some good projects that would be good for long-term hodling, and i would love to know you guys' thoughts on them. let me know what you guys' think:

p.s. this list is inexhaustive, feel free to add any critique/input, much appreciated

exchange tokens: $bnb, $cake, $bake, $uni, $kcs (oof, i know, but still), $hb... these have the advantage of potentially increasing in value the more their respective exchanges are utilised. basically, as long as all's good with related exchange, the coin has little chance of going down the toilet.

wallet tokens: $twt, $klv, $sfp, $tpt... these are, to be honest, the least advisable, to the best of my knowledge of these groups of coins to long-term hodl. anyways, like in the case of the exchange tokens, because of their seemingly strong use case, they should be safe bets for the time being.

big cap coins: $btc, $eth, $ada, $ltc... yes the top 50 coins from 4 years ago look nothing like it does today. heck, the charts look almost nothing like they did just a year ago, but crypto has gotten far more exposure this past year then it has ever gotten before, even during the insane 2017 run (and crash, pain). so i reckon that there should be a bit of relative stability to the market, and thus, these tokens, so much so that barring a black swan event or insane 60% market dip, you shouldn't have reason to post loss porn and cry yourself to sleep every afternoon while binge-watching friends.

chain tokens: $btc, $eth, $bnb, $vet, $sol, $tomo, $trx... this is my favourite category. i mean, just look at the performance of these coins over the past few months. they have really, really strong use cases, and working teams behind them, generally speaking. you can hardly go wrong holding chain tokens.

okay, okay, some of that may be horribly misleading, some of that may be surprisingly accurate, and some of that may just be downright naive, but i'm here to learn, and i'd gladly do so. my major reason for picking these coins are because, (i) they have a seemingly perpetual use case, like exchange tokens; and (ii) they aren't looking like projects that can be easily abandoned. no one had any idea of bitcoin's run in the past year, or that nano would peak at $32 only to plummet and struggle to pass $15 years later. just wanted the community's input on my strategy, and would really love to hear what you guys' think about it (i'm beginning to sound like a broken record, huh... welp)

p.s. happy fourth of july, my fellow 'muhricans!

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