Monday, July 26, 2021

Sentiment Analysis of r/cc during yesterday's BTC rise

Hello everyone! I made some visualizations of r/cc's sentiment (determined by post titles) during yesterday's BTC pump. Sentiment analysis such as below enable us to see 1) what kind of topics are being discussed in this subreddit, 2) which topics are being discussed in positive/negative light, and ~~3) help moon farmers come up with posts that will get them moons~~.

First, we have most recent NEW posts (954 data points):

Positive vs Negative headlines

We can see that the algorithms isn't completely accurate when determining what is "positive" and what is "negative". For ex, "Question about staking, worry if I'm a dumb f**k" is a simple question post, but because of the keyword "f**k", its determined as negative.

Word Cloud for NEW Posts

When we generate word clouds from most frequent titles, we see that notable words from positive post titles are "Bitcoin, amazon, BTC, profit". This is most likely because some have speculated that the recent BTC pump was triggered by Amazon's insider news about Amazon accepting BTC as a payment.

For notable words from negative post titles, we see "Tether, Bitcoin, Amazon, BTC, bank, FUD, manipulation". We can speculate that we see these headlines because 1) of the news surrounding Tether and its possible bank fraud case and 2) of some speculating that the BTC pump was a manipulated pump.

Moving on, we have most recent TOP posts (100 data points):

Word Cloud for TOP Posts

We see similar trends for Top posts, with an exception of "Ethereum" being included in the positive posts - most likely because of the upcoming London fork. For negative posts, we don't see Tether break through the ranks yet because that story has yet to gain traction.

What now? Nothing much - I guess, if you want some shiny Moons, you should post about Tether because while there is fresh posts about its possible investigation, none have gotten to Top yet. I'll run similar analyses when other major events occur to see how sentiments change (especially during massive dumps)

TL;DR: BTC and Amazon adoption, and ETH London fork ruling positive posts, Tether investigation, and BTC pump manipulation ruling negative posts.

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