Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Crypto Glossary Expained - Beginner's Guide

From diamond hands to FUD, i'll be explaining all the popular crypto slangs.

If you are new in reddit, or in any social media about cryptocurrency, it's highly probable you've encountered by a lot of strange words and sentences related to crypto which you canT even comprehend.

Time to literate you with this beginner's guide.

English its not my first language. So beware of any bad writing.

ATH (All Time High)

This is not only used in cryptocurrency, but its quite popular here. Its when a new coin or token gets into a new highest price point it has never been traded before.


Describes an investor or entity, that owns 5% or more of a particular coin or token in circulation. For example, a whale in Bitcoin will be someone with 5% of its suppy, or 935,000 aprox coins.

To the Moon

Means the price has risen so much, reaching a peak value. Its used then a certain coin or token has done more than 100% within a short period


Means Holding a coin or token even if it crashes, aka, not selling it. This became trendy during the crash on 2018. It came originally from a Bitcoin talk in 2013.

Pump and Dump

Its a tactic that is used by groups of investors to manipulate the sentiments of the market of a certain coin or token.

The Flippening

Its an hypothetical event in which Ethereum's market cap will surpass Bitcoin's. It can also describe any similar situation where a smaller coin or token might overtake a bigger rival.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Describes a psycological tactic when markets are rising or are intense and emotions make investors make bad decisions, since its so easy to regret the gains you would have made if you had timed all your trades perfectly.

DYOR (Do your own research)

Means investigating on your own and not investing based on somebody's else opinion, whether its a famous figure in the crypto world or not. Learning, educating yourself, and only then, investing.


Its not a car. Its Dirty goverment money issued by central banks of any country.


Describes central FIAT banks machine's noise when printing money and generating a huge supply with the same demand. Which derives to inflation.


Means to sell the crypto too soon or too late, to suffer losses without coping with emotions

Paper Hands

An investor with paper hands will sell at the first sign of trouble. Also will sell as soon as their investment gets profit.

BHSL (Buy High Sell Low)

Describe when an investor does the opposite of basic trading. Instead of looking for profit, they look for burning money.

Laser Eyes

In 2021, many Bitcoin investors and fans, started signalling their support for the cryptocurrency by adding "laser eyes", on their Twitter profile pic. From Elon Musk, to Paris Hilton have taken part. The meme is associated with the hashtag #LaserRayUntil100k. Indicating support for Bitcoin's potential to pass 100K per coin.


Refers to transaction fees on the Ethereum Network

Diamond Hands

Its a meme popularized by crypto and stock traders on Reddit. Its often used by groups that have banded together to try to drive up the price of an asset by not selling. Similar to HODL. But more memeable.


Describes a free distribution of coins or tokens. It can be used to popularize a new coin or token which is not yet in exchanges.


This term describes a psychological trick used to spread fear and doubt, which can cause a coin or token to drop in price.


This is a short term of "Satoshi", the pseudonym of Bitcoins creator. Its refers to the smallets unit of Bitcoin stored on the blockchan. (0.00000001 BTC)

DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging)

Its an investment strategy where the investor puts an equal or aprox amount of money during a certain period of time.

For ex: Investor puts 50 usd every monday for "Your Favourite Crypto" .


A shitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has no use or feature apart from being a coin or token. Its considered a bad investment.


This post.

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