Saturday, August 14, 2021

Deathcoin [Part 2]

Part 1

I stood staring at the screen, stunned at what just clicked in my head.

Then, the Discord notification popped up for me.

It was that mod from earlier.

DeathCoinMod1 Has Requested a Private Chat with LoveNDeathcoin.

I wasn’t used to seeing my new screen name I had created for this Discord Server.

I was hesitant but accepted the DM.

DeathCoinMod1: “Hey, Mister LoveNDeathcoin, gotta pick a role. Now. Or I kick.

I sat down, looking at the screen, wondering what I should do. How did the mod know I was a guy? He was being very pushy about me picking a role.

I eventually typed back to the mod, “How do I become a miner?”

There was a moment of nothing. My stomach sank slowly as I saw the screen suddenly indicate: DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: “So, you want to be a digger?l Or a trigger?”

I swallowed hard: “What’s the difference?” I asked.

DeathCoinMod1: “One person pushes aggressively to increase the capital within our portfolio, the other works to lobby on our behalf in local governments.”

“Pushes to aggressively increase the capital?” I said out loud to myself. The mod was talking about killing people. More life insurance claims… But they were saying it without actually saying it.

I had to ask: “Local Governments?”

The next message appeared to be some kind of copy-paste job.

DeathCoinMod1: “Local Governments give up their right to ownership of the escrow accounts, privatizing the practice of holding unclaimed life insurance policies. Currently, Deathcoin has made agreements with six states: Florida, Texas, Minnesota, Arizona, New York, and California.”

I frowned, looking at the odd list.

DeathCoinMod1: “Deathcoin would happily push for more states to join the group. This can be done by simply lobbying local officials, appearing before town halls, and helping to push legislation through. A grassroots campaign that is silent can be surprisingly effective. Putting the privatization of the Life Insurance Escrow on the ballot is the first step. Most people do not know what they are actually voting for and thus we have a specific method of writing down something that sounds beneficial to them, as taxpayers. The ballot format is as follows.

“Shift the burden of carrying and accounting on unclaimed life insurance documentation and accounts payable to private entities, removing the cost of labor from local government clerks and allowing private businesses to improve efficiency and privacy of escrow services to the community? Yes/No.”

I blinked as I read over the last bit. If I did see that on the ballot, I’d probably end up voting for that.

DeathCoinMod1: “We also have key senators who are interested in adding some language to the next omnibus bill in exchange for an early opportunity.”

I gave the screen an incredulous look: “Isn’t that last part illegal?” I asked.

DeathCoinMod1: “Do not forget we that are a crypto currency. No one could track how much money we’re giving these individuals. Just providing them Deathcoin out of our own inventory would pay out huge dividends to them later and they would not need to claim the Deathcoin, or even show profits from Deathcoin, as they could cash it out in another currency such as Etherium, Litecoin or Bitcoin.”

I cracked my knuckles nervously. I wasn’t keen on the boring bits. I wanted to see if this group was actually killing people. I had to ask the big question: “But what if I want to fill up the current escrow with new insurance payouts? Like… Manually.”

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

My hands were shaking.

Did I give myself away? Was there any hope that I could stop them? How could I once I was in? Surely I could go to the authorities…

I stared at the screen for what felt like forever and a day.

DeathCoinMod1: “If you’re serious, there are a few things you should know. 1) I have your name, address and social security number. I also have your SIM Card data. 2) Don’t think you can just get one and move on. You’re expected to continue digging. 3) You need to provide proof. We only do brags - no trophies - and the only proof is that you tell us about your ‘dig’ prior to it hitting the news cycles. No names, no addresses on your little posts. Those you have to give to me for verification purposes.”

I stared at the screen in shock: “You can’t do that! You don’t have that information!” I typed angrily.

DeathCoinMod1: “Hey, dumbass, I do.”

I called his bluff: “Prove it then!”

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

What flashed up on the screen wasn’t just my PC’s IP address.

He showed me my driver’s license ID #, SSN, my home address - every address I ever lived at, by the way, the make and model of my car, license plate number, and so on.

DeathCoinMod1: “What? Do you actually believe we would let just anyone into the Discord? That ‘Vetting’ process you agreed to? That gave me everything on you. All your data. And before you start bitching and moaning: You clicked the T.O.S. without reading it, kiddo. So don’t think you can go whining to the authorities without repercussions.

I glared at the screen: “What’s stopping me?” I asked.

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: "It would be a bitch if your phone’s geolocation data showed you at the scene of a murder, wouldn’t it?”

My eyes went wide.

DeathCoinMod1: “So, I assume you’re not going to go to the authorities?”

I swallowed hard: “No, I won’t. I want to be a digger. Just not comfortable with everyone having my data,” I typed.

DeathCoinMod1: “Maybe I came off a little hard. Let me explain: Only I have your data. The other diggers don’t have that data.”

I sighed in relief until I saw the chat continue.

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: “Yet.”

I shivered as I typed: “What do you mean?”

DeathCoinMod1: “I mean that I wouldn’t be handing you over to authorities. I’d hand your data out to the others, if you did. You feel me?”

I typed again: “That won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of it. I’ll get a new dig for you.”

DeathCoinMod1: “Learn to type better. Everything on the internet is saved. Like I said: prove it’s yours, with a news clip before it hits the news cycle, and from there, we’ll talk about giving out extra coins. Message me with the news clip directly - then I’ll post it up for you. After you prove yourself, you’ll get full fledged ‘digger’ rights. Good luck.”

I saw that he went offline.

What was I going to do?

I couldn’t kill someone.

That’s when there were three precise knocks on my door.

I wasn’t expecting anyone, nor had I ordered a package or food recently. It’s 2021 - who knocks on a door?!

I moved to my door and checked my doorbell camera as I approached.

Standing there was a man with neat hair, a suit, despite the heat, and an overall prim and proper look to him. He turned to the doorbell camera and smiled.

I frowned, speaking through the doorbell camera’s intercom, “Can I help you?’

“Hello,” the gentlemen said, saying my name, “I’m with the homeowners association,” he smiled disarmingly, “I won’t be more than five minutes, just have to inspect the smoke detectors.”

I lived in a small apartment complex, some people were lucky to own their units, I rented. So it was par for the course for my landlord to not bother telling me about inspections.

“Sure,” I sighed, opening the door.

As I did, he walked in with a smile, speaking broadly, “We might have to reboot your router, just for a moment, should come right back,” he explained, “Have to make sure your security system is properly recovering from power events and that the smoke detectors are clear.”

That’s when he placed a small device on the table. It was black, no bigger than a wallet, but had four little antennas on it.

As he placed it on the table it had a small red light that flipped to green. He turned to me, showing a badge silently.

“Agent Waterson, FBI: ID-35,” was all it said.

Don’t talk to the authorities.

That’s what I thought, anyway. But how would they know? I hadn’t called anyone.

“Wait, how did-” before I could continue Agent Waterson placed his finger to his lips as a shushing motion and pocketed his badge. He pulled out his phone, tapping it.

I frowned, looking at my phone. It looked like it was in airplane mode now! No data, no Bluetooth, like all the wireless was turned off. What did he do to my phone?!

Agent Waterson powered his phone off.

I decided I should do as he did and powered down my phone.

“Can never be too careful,” Agent Waterson explained, looking around the room, glancing up at the smoke detectors, “I’m Agent Waterson, FBI. We understand you have invested in a new start-up called Deathcoin…”

“Yeah, that was fast. It’s barely a few days old,” I pointed out.

“It’s launch was new. The people behind it have been lobbying and preparing for some time, though we were surprised to see them launch prior to getting full support from the Federal Legislature,” Agent Waterson continued to walk through the apartment as if he were inspecting the smoke detectors.

I followed along.

“Cutting to the chase, these guys are extremely intelligent professionals. Good with technology, to the point where we even have evidence they have access to back-door monitoring software that is supposed to only be ours,” agent Waterson turned to me, “Thus turning off your phone was required.”

“Back doors?! What do you mean-” Agent Waterson cut me off.

“We need someone on the inside and that’s you,” Agent Waterson smiled, “Got any info? We can make it worth your while.”

“How can you make it worth my while?” I asked.

Agent Waterson was now inspecting through the kitchen, “We’ll match whatever it is these Deathcoin folk are offering, you’ll get a tax-exempt status for the rest of your life, ambassador status passport if you feel unsafe in the US…” he turned to me, “Name another perk later but that’s our fast offer. Also, Witness Protection as needed, of course.”

I didn’t have to think long, “There is a group within the Deathcoin community called ‘Diggers’ they execute whole families or anyone without a beneficiary in the states, they have privatized the Life Insurance Escrow practice,” I swallowed hard, hoping this wasn’t some weird test from the Deathcoin people.

They couldn’t make a fake FBI agent, right?

Agent Waterson nodded, “Can you ID anyone?” he asked.

“No, I only have their Discord screen names. The diggers don’t give location or names,” I explained, “It’s on a Discord server-”

“We know about the Discord,” Agent Waterson explained, “We don’t have full access to the ‘digger’ role rooms,” he turned to me, “So you’re going to need to become a digger.”

“They want me to kill a family or something and then post it before it hits the news and that’s just to vet me,” I was desperate for help. I was kind of screwed: if this was a test from the Deathcoin guys, I was probably going to be killed at some point anyway.

Agent Waterson nodded, “Give me about… 48-hours,” agent Waterson stated, “I’ll be in touch,” he took the device off the table and smiled at me, “Well, all is in order. If your router doesn’t come back online you gotta call the cable company. Sorry about that,” Agent Waterson said as he walked to the door.

“Wait, what about... Uhm… Any follow-up?” I asked, trying to remain covert.

“Oh, the HOA will be in touch with your landlord, you should call him to let him know he should be telling you about these inspections,” Agent Waterson smiled, “It’s for everyone’s safety, after all. A matter of security for everyone.” With that, Agent Waterson left.

I sighed and turned my phone back on.

I checked the Discord and, sure enough, there was no major activity. No messages from the diggers or Mod that I was caught.

“Just act natural, pretend you’re in, and you’re good,” I was hoping that being a mole wouldn’t bite me in the ass.

Holy shit was I wrong?!

The next day I got the call from Agent Waterson. I didn’t even know it was Waterson at first.

I answered the call that was coming in from a number I thought I knew. It was similar to my mom’s work number.

“Hello sir, we’re calling about your car’s extended warranty,” the voice started.

“How do you fucks find me?!” I screamed, about to hang up.

“Oh, sorry sir! We can remove you from the list, are you…?” The woman gave my name to me.

“Yes, please take me off the list, all the lists!” I shouted.

“One moment please…” My phone flickered and I frowned as the line crackled and my phone pulsed three times for some reason. Agent Waterson’s voice then came over the line.

“Hello again,” he said professionally.

“You…? Okay, that was fucked,” I said, concerned about how much power the government had over my phone.

“Here’s your story: Two men are in an automobile crash on the way home from a funeral of the mother and wife respectively. The husband is a person of interest in her murder. FYI Daryl and Darren. The brake line was cut, tragic accident, no surviving family,” Agent Waterson said, “Accident happened in New York on I-495, exit 64.”

My stomach dropped, “Agent Waterson did you k-”

“The story will hit the news tomorrow morning, so you’ve got little time to beat it. I can’t hold the story back for long,” Agent Waterson said. “If it makes you feel any better, the husband had just murdered his wife but claimed temporary insanity.”

“How do I claim to be responsible?!” I shouted.

“You drained the brake fluid,” Agent Waterson said simply, “Then, cut them off on the highway. Normal driving took care of the rest, as well as ensuring they couldn’t escape. Make up the finer details if you like,” Agent Waterson said again, emotionless, “Use your imagination, don’t feel like you should avoid embellishing.”

I frowned as the line went dead.

I knew what I had to do, so I headed to the Discord.

I was pretty much muted in the server, so I had to DM the mysterious DeathcoinMod1 - and I noticed there were almost twenty new members.

“I have a news clipping,” I typed.

DeathCoinMod1 is typing…

DeathCoinMod1: “Really? I thought you were going to get cold feet.”

I narrowed my eyes on the screen, typing: “Brake-line was cut on a car on its way back from a funeral, the dad was a suspect in the mom’s murder. Daryl and Darren, I-495 in New York, Exit 64 - they crashed after I cut them off and they couldn’t slow down or break.”

DeathCoinMod1: “Oh, you’re a justice killer, huh? Okay, okay. I feel you. Remove location and names, you’ll have temporary access to the news-clipping channel. If we don’t hear the story in the next 72-hours we’re going to boot you. Also, don’t forget: We can pin anything on you.”

I frowned and moved to the news-clipping channel and carefully thought of the format of previous News Clippings.

Two Men Dead in Car Wreck.

Today, a father and son died in a car accident on their way back from the funeral of the Wife / Mother. Father was a Person of Interest in the wife’s death. Both men died after losing control of their vehicle on an expressway.

Police are investigating the potential mechanical failure of the car.


I hit enter, wincing as my phone buzzed. The Deathcoin app showed a new notification: My news clipping. There were a few other stories as well, which was disconcerting.

On the upside: Deathcoin was worth almost $8.18 a coin. I now had almost $21,000 USD in Deathcoin.

My Discord flashed up.

TheBestDiggerEver11 has requested a private chat.

I shivered, clicking accept.

TheBestDiggerEver11: “Well, hiyah Dexter! Nice dig… Are you going full vigilante?! Don’t come after me! I’ll be The Joker to your Batman ;D!”

“Heath Ledger or Jared Leto?” I typed, trying to make a joke of it, but getting nervous knowing I was talking to a killer.

TheBestDiggerEver11: “Mark Hamil, duh! I wanted to congratulate you on your first! We can only talk so much in #brags and I see you weren’t in there yet. Wanna tell me how it went down?”

I typed in next, carefully to ensure my story was straight, “I knew the guy, he killed his wife and it looked like he was going to get away with it. I got to his car while it was parked at the funeral.”

TheBestDiggerEver11: “Careful man! Don’t target folks who might know you!! You don’t want anything to trace back to you… hit me up if you want tips or tricks.”

My stomach churned at how casual this person was about everything.

TheBestDiggerEver11: “And please… Please tell me about your next dig. I love to talk shop.”

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