Saturday, August 21, 2021

My opinion: we still haven’t seen the actual price of Bitcoin

Let’s face the facts in front of our faces. A major collapse to the system is imminent. The signs of that are well beyond any other glimpse of a sign you could have seen for the last one. This will be the greatest depression. I’m investing in crypto not to just make money, but also to survive the coming events that the new world order is presenting to us. Blockchain technology is the key to creating either a free world, or a more enslaved world. That’s why it’s going to be worth so much more. The good people who want freedom and the bad people who want to enslave them all both support crypto currency’s, it just depends. Projects like ICP have the potential to enslave humanity. While Bitcoin and ETH are a new frontier of freedom we have the amazing opportunity to be a part of.

My not financial advice: take a step back and think about it. A global, 24/7, unregulated (for the most part) financial market. Obviously it’s going to be manipulated during a pandemic. This stuff is valued so much higher than the current price. Just based on the fact almost everything around me is double the price (food, houses, lumber 10X’d ) should make it obvious these assets are being manipulated.

Just wait for the pressure to release. Then we will see the actual price. Anything below 100K BTC in my opinion is literally artificially kept there.

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