Tuesday, August 17, 2021

What do you think about investing in a new cryptocurrency?

Hello everybody! I hope this is the right place to ask my question. I can see that you share only news about already established currencies. However, I couldn’t find any subreddits related to new cryptocurrencies and wrote my question here. So, coming back to my inquiry. I would like to ask you what you think about investing in new cryptocurrencies that are only planning to be launched. Is it better to invest in something that hasn’t appeared on the market yet, or should I wait some time after the project successfully enters the market?

I’m aware of the risks, and I realize that it’s only my responsibility if something goes wrong. Still, I see there are some opportunities too. Besides, you probably already know that new projects are relatively expensive to invest in before entering the crypto market. I’m not that wealthy to invest money into something more or less stable, such as Bitcoins or Etherum, Cardano, or anything else. I’ve realized a little bit late that it is possible to make money on crypto through investment, not only from mining.

So, I ran online into info about this upcoming project — http://www.blmcurrency.org/. As you can see from their website, this cryptocurrency was rooted in BLM riots across the world in 2020. I can say that I have paid attention to this specific crypto, among many others, because those events also touched me. In other words, I can also call myself a victim of racism, even though we have much more rights than we used to. Still, you can’t be entirely protected from that, and everyone faces those issues from time to time. So, I would say I have some personal reasons for investing in this project. Still, I don’t wanna waste my money.

If you check the link I’ve shared, you would see that they have provided a detailed plan before and after launching BLM crypto. Still, I wanna hear your opinion about this new project. Would you invest in brand new crypto before it launched? Or is it better to stick to something more or less stable?

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