Monday, September 6, 2021

Bit Coin and El Salvador

There is a huge news event from El Salvador. According to the LA Times (links below and more to follow):

  1. New president Nayib Bukele is removing judges, changing the constitution, making Bit Coin the national currency, collaborating with an American CEO who's company specializes in bitcoin micro transactions
  2. He is a millennial with a 90% approval rating because he is giving free food the to poor
  3. He "invested" about $150 million in Bit Coin so the people could convert their BC to cash
  4. He looks like Che
  5. When the El Salvadorian National Assembly voted to change the constitution, he had the Army standing behind them as they voted
  6. Bukele, who calls himself the "coolest president in the world," recently launched an international surf competition in the country wearing a backwards baseball cap and flanked by a military officer. This guy is a real like version of a Sacha Cohen movie. He attended US schools, and uses social media to connect with his base. Just like Trump, only Bukele is good at it.

So look for volatility in BC, backlash from the International Banks, and tech-tonic upheavals in apps that specialize in micro transactions.

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