Tuesday, September 7, 2021

I'm putting on my tinfoil hat today

The west has a longstanding history of meddling in foreign affairs and quite a rap sheet for Latin America specifically. For example, here is a fun list of some of the coups the US took part in to suit their economic interests.


And another list of military interventions.


It's a fascinating hole to fall into if you have the time to dyor, but that's not the point here.

So hear me out, we've been hearing day in day out that the western governments and banks are increasingly threatened by the world's reception to cryptocurrency and they will do just about anything to cripple the growing adoption. Would it really be so crazy that those in power working with the banks intervened in some way? Would you be genuinely surprised that a crash on the day that El Salvador officially recognized Bitcoin as legal tender was influenced be some folks behind scenes.

This event is going to make many of these newcomers distrustful, all the while discussion of adoption around the world has been growing exponentially. We know the market is volatile, and the people should know, but the timing is all very suspicious to me and I wouldn't be surprised to find foul play in the headlines in weeks to come.

I am no scholar in the realm of politics and economics. I am not married to this theory and frankly, the idea seems a little out there, but this happenstance really got me thinking. Let's sell a little off the top for some corkboard and yarn and we can dive into it.

TL;DR: I'm not saying it was the U.S. but usually usually it's us.

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