Sunday, October 24, 2021

[AMC Actual Facts] Responding to A List of Attacks against AMC with Actual Facts and DATA!!! Must Read for AMC Apes who want FACTS to fight FUD!!!

There are a lot of attacks claiming AMC is a dying company

This post ->

It has an image with a list of attacks against AMC. This post will respond to these false attacks and false claims

In reality, before Pandemic (which is a once a century event and is going away) this is what AMC did

2017 -> Revenues of $5.079 billion and losses of $487,200 (yes, just $487,200 in losses - less than half a million in losses) (AMC was not some dying company)

2018 -> Revenues of $5.460 billion and profits of $110,100 (yes, actual profits)

2019 -> Revenues of $5.471 billion and losses of $149,100 (yes, just $149,100). Heck there are apes who made more than $149,100 in June runup

Reality: AMC was INCREASING REVENUES and had almost negligible losses

It was not some struggling company. Revenue was not declining

AMC is going back to 2017 to 2019 period

AND ALSO now has $1.8 billion in cash

and new revenue streams (UFC Fights, Crypto, NFL Sunday Ticket, Wrestling, Boxing)

The post attacking AMC was written by a KarenStonk GME Ape

This is what GME's revenues were

2018 -> $8.547 Billion

2019 -> $8,285 Billion

2020 -> $6.466 Billion

THAT is what declining revenues looks like

What? No way? You're telling me that AMC revenues were INCREASING and revenues for GME were DECREASING

Before Pandemic

So AMC is NOT the company that was in trouble before Pandemic

******************* Details & Point by Point Rebuttal

While I'm reluctant to respond to a @#$@#$ idiot who can't spell Bankruptcy and actually put ZERO reasons as Arguments in favor of AMC, here is a rough response


RESPONSE BELOW, point by point

1) Probability of Bankruptcy by next year

Response: This is utter nonsense

AMC has $1.8 billion in cash and $180 million revolving credit line

All the debt matures in 2025. That means there is nothing that Absolutely MUST be paid in 2021 or 2022

That leaves earnings and expenses. Earnings are trending very strongly upwards

Last quarter the consensus was 91 cents loss per share. actual was 71 cents per share loss, which is a big improvement over estimates

2017 to 2019 were almost net neutral in terms of profitability and AMC is trending towards that

2020 was a brutal year for AMC SOLELY DUE TO THE Covid pandemic

Before that year Net Profits were

2017 - $487,200 losses. that's less than half a million loss

2018 - $110,100 profits.

2019 - - $118,500 losses

2020 - pandemic so $4.589 billion losses

2020 was so brutal that everyone thought AMC would be wiped out and they sold 1 billion to 10 billion fake shares short

We survived that

2021 - is improving

by 2022 onwards we will be in 2017 to 2019 pattern of losses/profits being in -1 Million to +1 Million range


2) More dilution this year (maxed out this year)

This shows INHERENT Bias of the person doing the post. Claiming 'maxed out this year' instead of saying - AMC Apes ARE THE CAPTAIN NOW and No More Dilution until AMC MOASS

Look at 2020 where due to pandemic there were $4.589 billion of losses. To avoid going bankrupt AMC raised cash by selling shares

The alternative (going bankrupt) would have been great for SHFs and SFOs and terrible for shareholders

Now Retail has 80%+ and CEO/Board cannot issue any more shares without shareholder approval

So this imaginary risk of 'dilution next year' does not exist


We own the Company

As Adam Aaron himself said - He works for the Shareholders (AMC Apes)

3) 1:4 dilution that already happened


Stock is at $36.60

Market Cap higher than 'there is only one true stock' stonk

Choke on That KarenStonk

4) AA diluted shares to SHF whom then sold these into OTC


Mudrick Capital had loaned money to AMC and had the right to ask for shares

AA had to give them because, as he pointed out, they gave AMC money when very few people would, and helped AMC avoid bankruptcy

Mudrick then sold them into market. AA did not give shares to Citadel over OTC like some idiots claim

He/AMC had obligation to give shares to Mudrick because of the loan they had given AMC when no one else would. And AMC fulfilled that obligation

They didn't know Mudrick would turn around and issue PR saying AMC is overvalued and then sell shares the very next day

5) Cash Burn doesn't stop

Actually, you can see 2017, 2018, 2019 and AMC was fine. No one is going to cry about Profits/Losses being

  • $487,200, $110,100, -$149,100

One single UFC fight would have brought any of the two slightly loss making years into profitability

6) Low SI %


So these sons of Karens now want to believe SEC report

Same SEC that is IN BED WITH SHFs and SFOs

Actual number of counterfeit AMC shares sold short are 1 billion to 10 billion

513 million legal float

So real short interest is 200% to 2,000%

7) Low FTDs

ha ha ha ha ha

Even from the FTDs figures issued by regulatory agencies -> AMC is the #1 share that spent the most weeks on the Threshold List in 2020 and 2021 combined, OUT OF ALL Companies in the US

anyone writing Low FTDs for AMC is insane

1 stock on the Threshold List in 2020 and 2021 combined

8) No options activity such as GME (Married Puts)


completely false

Married Puts are being used for both AMC and GME

Simplex ->

Today itself post showed this ->

9) Even Gamma Squeeze unlikely because of prices in IV


this person who wrote this list seems stupider than a door knob

To see actual AMC IV and stuff, follow Roensch Capital on Youtube

10) Even before corona hit, AMC was struggling to make a profit


2017 -> Losses of $487,200

2018 -> $110,100 profits

2019 -> Losses of $149,100

Even if we say AMC will not flourish and only go back to 2017 to 2019 period status, losses per year of $200,000 are very small

the $1.8 billion cash pile will cover 9,000 Years

Yes $1 Million covers 5 years like 2017 to 2019

$1.8 Billion -> 1,800 * $1 Million, so it covers 9,000 Years

in reality

AMC has become stronger, added more revenue streams, seen smaller competitors died out, expanded

It will go into profitability and pay off its $5.5 billion debt and PROSPER

A company generating $5.5 billion revenue a year (2017 to 2019 trend) can handle $5.5 billion debt easily

2017 to 2019 - revenues were increasing

11) AMC's revenues in Q2, 2021 were only $444.7 million while in Q2, 2019 were $1.5 billion


2019 - no corona

2021 - corona

Not a valid comparison

What next, you want to compare revenues during Spanish Flu epidemic VERSUS revenues during years with no epidemic and claim that Spanish Flu means every single company in the world should have gone bankrupt

12) No real catalysts for Growth


Well, let's see

A) people cooped up for 2 years and coming back to theaters to START LIVING LIFE

A2) two years worth of Blockbusters


C) Wrestling (WWE)

D) Boxing

E) NFL Sunday Ticket

F) Acceptance of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin

G) AMC potentially launching its own Crypto Coin -> Movie Coin

H) AMC potentially launching collectible NFTs for Movies

People say - what advantage does AMC have for NFT?

Answer - Millions of people who LOVE movies each and every weekend visit AMC Theaters

AMC already sells them concessions. They can easily sell those people Movie NFTs

The HIGHEST CHANCE of selling Movie NFTs is where movie lovers go and go in large numbers

Where is that?

AMC Theaters - largest movie chain in America + Largest move chain in the world

I) Competitors dying out and AMC acquiring high quality cinemas

13) On top of that, the theater business is slowly losing its traction due to the takeover of the industry by streaming services that limit theater's upside


Is that why all the movie studios have agreed to 30 to 45 day theatrical windows?

Movie studios realize that Movie Theater Experience and Revenue cannot be made through streaming

So Movie Theaters are not going anywhere

They are around to stay

14) AMC has $2 billion cash and revolving credit and $5.5 billion in loans

At current cash burn rate it has only enough cash to survive until 2022


This is just straight out incorrect

Firstly, the debt only matures in 2025 and 2026. It does not have to be paid out in 2021 and 2022. It does not have to be paid out until 2025 and 2026

Secondly, movie revenues are coming back stronger. we already saw how Venom, etc are doing very well

So trying to use revenues during a pandemic quarter is just wrong

Pandemic is dying out and People are getting vaccinated so by early 2022 we should start seeing 2019 type numbers and be back to what we had in 2017 to 2019 in terms of cash burn rate

I will once again paste what 2017 to 2019 were:

2017 -> Losses of $487,200

2018 -> $110,100 profits

2019 -> Losses of $149,100

Please Note: A lot of the points are repeated so I'm going to skip those

15) Another rehash of 2019 vs 2021 comparison without considering Corona


Comparison of Q2 2019 revenue with Q2, 2021 revenue

No Pandemic



So an incorrect comparison

16) Gross Profit and EBITDA are at net negative triple digit percentages and it will take a long time until those margins are improved


Firstly, Pandemic quarter will always look bad.

Are you talking about GME 2021 Fiscal Year revenues being $1.4 billion less than GME 2020 Fiscal Year? No, you are not.

Because Pandemic throws off figures

Then why do a Pandemic vs No Pandemic comparison for AMC ???

Secondly, already Q3 will show big improvement and Q4 will show massive improvement

So the claim that 'it will take a long time for margins to improve' is just an absurdly stupid claim

17) Official Number of SI in January was 11%

Response: Since when have we started believing 'official' figures ???

Official claims were that everything was over in January. We saw in June that was not true

AMC went from $10 to $72 in May/June even though official narrative was - Shorts have already covered

18) Run to $70 was probably shorts closing

Response: No it was not

Why make a false claim without any proof

Say Technologies vote showed that there are 1.35 billion to 4.5 billion total shares

Other estimates shows that in addition to 513 million legal shares, there are

1 billion to 10 billion counterfeit AMC Shares sold short

19) Company trades at 10 times of sales

Street Analysts continue to be bearish and give it price target of $5.44

Response: There could be NOTHING more bullish than ANALysts giving target of $5.44

Let me tell you about a time when a triple chinned analyst gave AMC a price target of 1 cent Soon after that we went to $72 a share, while triple chin analyst still has three chins

20) 98.5% of Oct 22nd calls expired worthless and 1/2 of those that were in the money had value of $1.60 or less

Response: What the @#@$ do Call Options on Oct 22nd have to do with anything

AMC Apes Buy and Hold SHARES

Shares are up more this year than almost any other company's shares (on a Percentage Increase basis)

They are at $36.60 and are going to $100,000 to $1 Million a share during AMC MOASS

Additional Response: Why not talk about what AMC Call Options expiring week of June 2nd did?

Now there would be some interesting figures

21) Why did AMC buy back $35 Million of bonds and not the other $65 million of bonds?

Response: Because AMC CEO AA has a bigger brain than you do, Mr. Tiny Dick Hater

He decided it is best to lower the debt a bit now and then as revenues increase he will lower it more later

Smart Companies pay back judiciously. Not all at once

22) MSM Exposure unlike GME (building up biggest rugpull?)


A) SEC did GME report and said 116% short interest. So much exposure. Is that a rugpull for GME?

No, Karenstonk assumption is that because it mentions GME it must be VALID

If MSM give GME exposure, like they did in Jan sneeze, that is considered legit

However, if MSM is FORCED to talk about AMC and the MASSIVE Retail Muscle backing AMC, then that is labeled a rugpull

This is like a former beauty queen throwing dirt at the new beauty queen

Darling, we are both beautiful. Don't get your panties in a bunch

B) MSM has to talk about AMC because AMC went from $10 to $72 and they have to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE

They cannot let retail investors search and find Apes and THE TRUTH

AMC has so much Retail Muscle that AMC has to be mentioned

also Apes like Charles in MSM

23) Low voting percentage


That vote had nothing of interest. Issue of issuing 20 million shares was pulled already. So it was just a bunch of board related stuff

This claim that if there are more shares sold short than the float, then voting percentage should be 100% for company votes is just a fantasy. It has no basis in actual fact. Can you show any peer reviewed research on

Float Percentage Sold Short


Percentage of Shareholders who vote


No, you cannot. Because you pulled it out of your behind and no Scientific or Economic magazine is going to consider it valid research

24) Huge misunderstanding and lack of critical thinking in the community, blindly following youtubers who are 'using' them as cash cows


AMCStock consensus is that

Trey Trades, Roensch Capital, Masked INvestor are good guys

Super Chat Matt - people are on the fence

And some Youtubers AMC stock does not like

If you see AMCStock there are close to zero posts about Trey Trades or Matt Kohrs

Less than 1 in 100

Meanwhile, in GME subs if RC does a meme tweet or a faceswap video tweet, or if DFV does a tweet

there are hundreds of posts about it

Is that what you think AMC Apes should be doing? Hero Worship of people

No, we don't hero worship anyone

we are all heroes

we like Trey so we see his stuff and share it sometimes. Not like a cult the way GME worships DFV and RC

You know what the KarenStonk post of AMC attack points really is?

It is

Tell me you are scared AMC will Short Squeeze before you, without telling me you are scared AMC will Short Squeeze before you

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