Sunday, October 24, 2021

The great blackout and the blockchain

Lately, various news have come out regarding what could be considered a major blackout across Europe in the next 5 years.

Several years of study, diversification and hodling so that now everything is screwed because they turn off the lights? It seems like a stupid question, but the rumor is getting louder, especially in countries like Austria, where the government has anticipated a widespread power blackout in Europe in the next 5 years.

This could last several days, and have different consequences for cryptocurrencies and the blockchain.

How do you think the blockchain would react to this event, since, despite the fact that the blackout would only occur in Europe, a large part of the nodes would be inactive. In addition, a wave of sales or purchases could happen, fluctuating the price of Bitcoin and the other altcoins.

Although this sounds like conspiracy theory and political movements, and it is very unlikely that it will happen, what do you think would happen?

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