Monday, November 1, 2021

A Summary Of GET Protocol's Community Member AMA [1st November 2021]

On the 1st November 2021, we held a community AMA in which three bastions of our community Adnan, Deofex and Tommy answered questions left by you the community in the GET Protocol Discord #ama-channel. Be sure to join the GET Protocol Discord in order to catch future AMAs and discussions!

This is the excerpt from the AMA:

Colby-GET — Today at 10:58 AM

Alright it's that time!

Welcome to our first live community AMA! Today I’m joined by three members who generally need no introduction: Adnanzzz, Deofex, Tommy b

Tommy b — Today at 11:04 AM

hi everyone

Colby-GET — Today at 11:05 AM

Alrighty! Lets dive right into it shall we? I'll be taking questions left by community members above for the three of you to answer! 🙌

Deofex — Today at 11:06 AM

let's go!

Colby-GET — Today at 11:06 AM

Our first question comes from Jeronemo: How does it feel to be a Discord channel for the GET Protocol?

Deofex — Today at 11:06 AM

Another dream come to life. xD Seriously: I was a bit sceptical about a community AMA because I couldn’t think of questions people would ask me and I expected an empty channel. Now I see multiple questions, I think it’s cool.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:06 AM

Right now it feels like the community is split but as GET grows and more people discover it, I think it will be a big improvement over Telegram.

Tommy b — Today at 11:07 AM

I was sceptical initially on splitting the community over different social platforms. But as the community grows discord is good place to have focused discussions

Colby-GET — Today at 11:07 AM

Our next question comes from Brom who asks: Do you think i will ever get the "chips" i bought for the FOMO event? *referring to a Demo internal pre-financing event*

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:07 AM

just accept it, we got rugged mate

Deofex — Today at 11:07 AM

You bought tickets for an internal event, you should be punished for it, not be rewarded, so my answer is: No, I don’t think so. 😉

Tommy b — Today at 11:08 AM

I haven't received anything for the chips I bought haha

Colby-GET — Today at 11:09 AM

I don't think some of the team got their chip rewards either 🤔

Here's another from Brom, out of curiosity, what are (if you have one) your day jobs? Are they linked to what GET offers?

Tommy b — Today at 11:09 AM

I work in the financial sector

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:09 AM

my job isn’t related to anything that GET offers, which is a shame

Deofex — Today at 11:09 AM

As day job I’m a hacker (my resume says I’m a security consultant, but hacker sounds cooler, doesn’t it?) and I have a background in IT infrastructures. So, my job isn’t really related to what GET offers. We use “Golden and silver ticket attacks” ( during security-assessments, but these kind of tickets aren’t offered by GET 😊.

Ok onto a question by Kaassoufle - this one is for Adnanzzz - can you tell us a funny (according to the Belgium) joke about the Dutch?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:10 AM

I still have to go to the community meetup so I’ll skip this one for my own safety 🤣

Colby-GET — Today at 11:11 AM

Haha smart move 😄

Here's one from DIE-DEROOIJ who asks: Hypothetically if you didn't spend all your savings in GET and would have some money left, in which other on-chain ticketing company/competitor would you invest and why

Deofex — Today at 11:12 AM

Trick question, right? So far as I’m aware of there’s no true competitor in this space.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:12 AM

Honestly there are no competitors of GET. I feel free to be corrected but the only “competition” I found so far is either one with just a whitepaper and promises or an existing ticketing company claiming to use blockchain for the buzz.

Tommy b — Today at 11:12 AM

don't think that there are any serious competitors with an own token. BTC and ETH are long term solid buys if you are looking to diversify in other crypto

Colby-GET — Today at 11:13 AM

Now onto an icebreaker --Jeronemo asks: Fristi or Chocomel:

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:13 AM

do I really have to pick one?

Deofex — Today at 11:13 AM

Self-made hot choco, Fristi is disgusting, so is cold chocolate.

Tommy b — Today at 11:14 AM


Colby-GET — Today at 11:14 AM

Chocomel is clearly the right answer 🤔

Now lets dive deeper into your time in the community with another from Jeronemo:

Can you tell us the story on how you came across GET and why you decided to actively (and continue to do so) participate in the community?

Deofex — Today at 11:15 AM

I found GET mid 2018 after looking into multiple blockchain projects. Blockchain was a big thing at the time and according to the online stories there were 1000’s use cases. In 99,9% of the times I investigated a project I didn’t understood the end goal or the added value of the blockchain. Maybe I’m stupid, but I think that in most of the times the end goal was earning a shitload of money and the added value of blockchain was non-existing, but was a necessary good, because people had to invest in the project.

When I investigated GET I kinda understood what they were trying to do, and I could understand what the blockchain could add. Therefor I joined the community, asked questions, and got adopted by the members at that time quite fast. When the first information was added on the blockchain I built some tools around it and learned a lot from it. The community, the end goal and the techniques which are in use (and can be used as community member) never bored me and fascinated me. The project gives me energy to build stuff around the protocol and during my journey I learned a lot.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:15 AM

I found out about GET right before the ICO started somewhere late 2017.

I participate actively because I love the project and I want it to succeed. Not saying that my participation has any influence on this (because GET will succeed either way) but:

Once upon a time the forest caught fire so all the animals rushed to extinguish it. There was an ant carrying a drop of water and all the animals started laughing “do you really think you’ll be of any help?”. The ant answered “I probably won’t but I want to be on the right side of history”


Tommy b — Today at 11:15 AM

I joined aswell in 2018 during the previous bull run. In 2018 the hype was a lot about “ethereum killers” blockchains that were supposed to be cheaper and faster. I didn’t really understand the difference or why the marketcap should already be billions for stuff that didn’t have a mainnet yet. When I came across GET, I liked that it already had a working product, actual paying customers and solid tokenomics with buybacks

Colby-GET — Today at 11:17 AM

Well I must say you're all fantastic members of the community, we're lucky to have you 🙌

Thomm wants to know: when and how did you find out about crypto in general? In what ways were you active and how did that bring GET on your path?

Tommy b — Today at 11:17 AM

In 2016-2017 bitcoin got started getting attention from mainstream media and people, more and more friends started discussing it. Only by late 2017 start of 2018 I started seriously looking into crypto

Deofex — Today at 11:17 AM

I found out about Bitcoin in 2016, don’t know exactly how. I followed some crypto communities through the years and followed Dr10 from the ARK community. It was him who lead me to GET. I'm not really active in cryptospace in general, only for GET to be honest.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:17 AM

I heard about Bitcoin somewhere between 2013-2015 I think. But I never really took the time to look into it. It never interested me much and my assumption was that it was just magic internet money (like made up money in a game). By the summer of 2017 a lot of my friends were into crypto and it wasn’t only about Bitcoin anymore. They were talking about how project x will disrupt this industry and project y that industry. That caught my interest to look what this blockchain is about.

So I bought many tokens/coins but the only activity I had in crypto back then talking about it with friends in Whatsapp and Facebook chat groups. Only by 2018 I started to investigate everything thoroughly. That’s when I joined Telegram and crypto Twitter.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:18 AM

Here's another for Adnanzzz Jeronemo asks: I've hear rumors how you're actually the start of GET, convincing Maarten. What's true and what's not, tell us the story

Deofex — Today at 11:19 AM

Don’t do drugs kids when you ask question during an AMA.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:19 AM

I can confirm those rumors. Not many people know this but I met Maarten back in 2015 when he was still working for the evil banks and facilitating the use of dirty fiat money.

As a big fan of conspiracy theories I knew everything about their attempts to bring in the new world order. So being very high one afternoon, I said fc it, I’m going to burn down the national bank of Holland.

Saying this out load was a big mistake, the police was at my door literally 10 minutes later.

They arrested me and laid charges. So they sat me down in a room with their lawyer, who happened to be Maarten Bloemers at that time.

Incidentally I had Ajax tickets in my pocket that I had scalped the day before. At that time they were being sold on the black market for over 1000€. As I heard from his accent that he was from Amsterdam I immediately offered him those in an attempt to strike a deal.

Little did I know that that would really save me. I could literally see an idea lamp being formed above his head. He just kept smiling for several minutes while I felt very uncomfortable. In a last attempt I told him that “I was only joking when I said I’d burn down the national bank”. He just screamed “yes we can burn used tokens!”. I was like WTF is wrong with you man. He just calmly smiled and told me they weren’t going to lay charges and that I should just “GET THE f*** out”. As I slammed the door I heard him repeating “GET GET GET that’s it!!”

Colby-GET — Today at 11:20 AM

Is this going to be the first GET Protocol copy pasta? 🤔

Ok back to Discord with another fresh of the press from Jeronemo : What do you think about the community initiative that's started here on Discord?

Deofex — Today at 11:20 AM

We just type very fast, anyway, the asnwer on your question: It’s cool. I hope people keep working on it. Ideas are cool and the community have them a lot. I hope something will come out of it.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:20 AM

I think the idea is very very cool. I do think it’s difficult to execute with too many people involved and everyone needing to do a part. We need a strong leader to make this happen. You can do it Jeronimo!

Tommy b — Today at 11:21 AM

I like the community initiatives. I think the main thing that is holding GET back price wise is that not many people have heard about GET. Any initiative to spread the word to a wider public and make information more accessible will help spreading the word

Colby-GET — Today at 11:22 AM

On that note,Jeronemo asks: Telegram or Discord? Why?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:22 AM

For now Telegram. Mostly because I’m used to it and it’s a habit to check it many times a day while I don’t have that with Discord. I can see that changing in the future though.

Deofex — Today at 11:22 AM

Atm I prefer Discord. I hate the program, but the GET server reminds me a bit of the early days in the GET Telegram channel. Fun and nice conversation and no toxic atmosphere.

Tommy b — Today at 11:22 AM

I used to be prefer telegram, but as the community has grown a lot I think discord is easier to read back the discussions

Colby-GET — Today at 11:22 AM

Jeronemo is on a roll 🎢 with another: Being so active and involved in GET anyway, would you consider working for GET? Why or why not?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:23 AM

I love my current job and I don’t think I could be of much added value, considering that they need devs. But if I can ever retire of GET I would probably look for ways to work on it /help in some way at least in part time.

Deofex — Today at 11:23 AM

I would 100% consider it. I love the product; I like the people of the team I met online and IRL and Iove to work with new technologies which GET uses.

And I won’t only consider it. I’m excited to announce I start to work for GET in January 2022. (excitement dance)

Tommy b — Today at 11:23 AM

Similar as Adnan, since programming and developing is not really my area of expertise I don't think I would be of much added value

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:23 AM

Now I have to edit the answer to one of the questions 😦 Haha congratz mate, awesome news!

Tommy b — Today at 11:24 AM

congratz deofex

Deofex — Today at 11:24 AM

thx! Really excited to be part of the legendary team. Looking forward to it!

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:24 AM

Colby-GET — Today at 11:24 AM

We can't wait to have you onboard!

Deofex — Today at 11:25 AM

Gonna be an awesome ride!

Colby-GET — Today at 11:26 AM

Super exciting times ahead!

On that note jebos asks: what do you ( so all three) think is the most exciting development GET-wise and crypto wise?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:26 AM

The most exciting development that has happened imo is the switch to NFT tickets. This allowed the release of the ticket explorer, the release of the on-chain metrics (which itsels is huge and I love it) and will allow the release of DeFi event financing.

As for which developments I’m most excited about that will happen, I’d say the integration of many more whitelabelers and digital twins.

Deofex — Today at 11:26 AM

Crypto wise I think the most exciting development are the solutions which will help scaling and reduce the gas fees. This is important to make sure decentral Exchanges and products like GET can work without exorbitant costs.

GET-wise I was looking forward to on-chain economics for a long time. But now the mainnet release is there, it satisfied every expectation. For now, I think I look forward towards the de-fi solution. Especially to the technical details of it, because while I understand and like the concept, it’s not tangible enough for me.

Tommy b — Today at 11:26 AM

I think DeFi will be the biggest gamechanger for GET to disrupt the ticketing market. There is a large demand for it from artists and ticketing companies, at the same time a lot of money is flowing around in crypto looking for yields. When executed it well it will attract a lot of new client and attract extra revenue to GET

Colby-GET — Today at 11:27 AM

Lets talk meetups! jebos asks: Will you guys be at the the next meet-up when ever that will be?

Hint: Friday 28th January 2022

Tommy b — Today at 11:27 AM

depends on the date, time and location, but I will try to be there

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:27 AM

If all goes well, I should be there!

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:27 AM


Deofex — Today at 11:27 AM

I think I will, no promises though.

Tommy b — Today at 11:28 AM

I think I will attend in that case

Colby-GET — Today at 11:28 AM

We can't wait for the meetup, hopefully we'll be able to meet as many of you as possible

Deofex — Today at 11:29 AM

Last time you guys announced burning 50% of the GET supply... We expect something again this time 😉

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:29 AM

you mean "we guys"?

Deofex — Today at 11:29 AM


Colby-GET — Today at 11:29 AM

The pressure is on!

Now for a feedback question from Brom who asks: If you guys were on the team since the beginning…. What, if anything would you have done slightly different?

Deofex — Today at 11:30 AM

It’s hard to answer this 1, because for team members the world is different than for us outsiders. Besides that, it’s easy to see what should have been done different afterwards. I really have no clue, if I would have done things differently if I was part of the team. I think that the subjects which I would answer here are already picked up by the team lately.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:30 AM

From the outside this is difficult to judge. But if I have to name one thing then I think they should have gone all in from the beginning on the development of the protocol. Lately we are seeing all those cool releases following each other swiftly and I wonder if it couldn’t have happened earlier. The answer is possibly no for reason x, y and z that I have no vision on. But if there’s one thing then that’s what I ask myself.

Tommy b — Today at 11:30 AM

list on binance straight away after the ICO when the fees were still affordable. In 2017 binance wasn’t as big yet, but that’s all hinsight. Its pretty difficult to say what I would do differently, since I am not a team member

Colby-GET — Today at 11:32 AM

Appreciate the earnest feedback guys 😃

Here's another from Brom who asks: Do you think the team should hire a graphic design from somewhere like South Wales, UK, and pay them per project with GET? To work on small media projects for the community?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:32 AM

Absolutely not, we already have too many Brits (Jack & Colby) in the team.

But on the other hand I have to admit that they’re doing a great job so I change my answer to YES

Deofex — Today at 11:32 AM

I would hold a DAO vote to let the community decide that as once the DAO is in place.

Tommy b — Today at 11:33 AM

no clue whether GET currently needs one or that the priorities as somewhere else

Colby-GET — Today at 11:33 AM

Alright onto GET Protocol integrators JAN asks: If you guys had to take a guess on which country the next DT will be from, where would it be from and why?

Deofex — Today at 11:33 AM

My guess would be the USA. It’s a big country with a lot of citizens and therefor this country has a bigger probability than a lot of other countries.

Tommy b — Today at 11:34 AM

Difficult one, I think no one expected that the last DT would be from sout america. Given the interest in NFT tickets in the USA, an DT from the USA is also quite likely. Or maybe another Dutch ticketing company given the network the team has overhere. YTP is for instance part of the publicly list has other ticketing companies under its umbrella as well like global ticket (5m tickets annually). If the integration of GET and YTP works well I expect that other ticketing companenies owned by will also become digital twins

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:34 AM

it’s a wild and random guess but I’ll just say Canada because they’re great people

Colby-GET — Today at 11:34 AM

Staying on the theme of predictions Jan also asks: How many tickets do you guys think will be sold at the end of 2022?

Deofex — Today at 11:35 AM

I will follow the line of the team AMA’s here and won’t do any predictions. The chance that I’m correct is very low. I’m expecting a rapid growth though.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:35 AM

You mean during the year 20222 in total? It’s a calculated guess, based on very little to work with, but I’ll say 8 million

Tommy b — Today at 11:35 AM

given the current growth rate of new digital twins I think 10 million

Colby-GET — Today at 11:36 AM

Another from Jeronemo who asks: Who's your favourite team member? ....and why?

Deofex — Today at 11:36 AM

I have a favorite, but those guys are like kids, you can’t tell publicly who your favorite is.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:36 AM

this is a difficult one to say openly because I really like Colby, Olivier and Jack a lot. Especially Jack with who I’d chat for hours before he was even a teammember and discuss GET things. So I hope none of them take this badly as they’re all awesome!

But if I have to pick one then it’s Kasper. No homo but I really love the guy. Ever since I joined GET I could send him a message about something I didn’t understand and he’d give me an answer. He’s an awesome human being and despite being a genius, he doesn’t look down on us pawns. He’s also very honest and even when he f*** up something (which is very rare and not substantial) he admits to it. This is one of the reasons why I trust the team a lot. His blogs are also the reason I learned a lot about GET and fell in love with the project. This is also an open request to the team to push him to write more blogs!

Tommy b — Today at 11:36 AM

I think I will choose for Kasper aswell, he often provides detailed explanation on technical questions, which are really interesting to read.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:37 AM

Kasper is a fantastic human being it's true! Just don't play pingpong against him.. you will lose as I have experienced 😢

Here's a Q from ben wat who asks: Adnan: ever thought about chucking in adminship at any point?

Deofex — Today at 11:38 AM

Adnan sits behind his computer with a sheriff star on his chest with the inscription “GET ADMIN” on it. Like he would ever give that up.😉

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:38 AM

Being an admin makes me feel important in life so that’s a big NO from me.

Now a serious answer, worthy of an admin: I asked to be made an admin myself some months ago. Many times I’d see a spammer posting scam messages and not being able to delete it while no other admin was around. It felt frustrating. Other than that there’s usually very little work to be done as the GET community in general is awesome and very little “administrating” really happens.

Tommy b — Today at 11:38 AM

I am happy to take the ping pong challenge at the community meet up

Deofex — Today at 11:39 AM

Yeah, 100% This community is really great and it's cool to see admin don't have to use their banhammers a lot etc.!

Colby-GET — Today at 11:40 AM

Perhaps worthy of a livestream 🤔

Furthering the theme of predictions Gekke Pop asks: All 3 should do price and ticket predictions, what are the predictions one year from this AMA

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:40 AM

1000$ is programmed but the road to it is one we’ll all have to walk and find out as we go! The ticket numbers I answered already.

Deofex — Today at 11:40 AM

I follow the line of the team AMA’s here and won’t do any predictions. The chance that I’m correct is very low. I’m expecting a rapid growth when we taking about GET. Price in crypto projects don’t make a lot of sense, so it can go x100 and it might be /2, no idea.

Tommy b — Today at 11:41 AM

50usd+ If I look at the current top 100/200 GET has much more to offer than most coins. but it depends a lot on the sentiment in the cryptomarket. there is a also a lot of specualtion going on so it is difficult to make an estimate, but I think there is a lot of room left for growth

Colby-GET — Today at 11:41 AM

Onto event attendance Brom asks: What event would you love to attend, and be a big bonus if tickets were fueled by GET?

Deofex — Today at 11:41 AM

Until now I went to a cabaret show which use GET tickets, multiple pubquizes which used GET tickets, an online ‘sherlock’ game with GET tickets. I’m don’t have a specific type of event which I want to go to. I’m not sure or it’s a big bonus if the tickets are fuelled with GET. It’s nice to see the system in action, but besides that, I’m a regular customer and I think most benefits are there for the event organizer.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:42 AM

a community UFC fight in Dubai

Tommy b — Today at 11:42 AM

The Dutch F1 GP is ticketed by, only Yourticketprovide (part of is currently ticketing with GET. I think in the future all tickets of will be ticketed with GET and I would love to go the f1 dutch GP

Colby-GET — Today at 11:43 AM

Lets learn a little more about you guys WDNCh asks: 1. How old are you? 2. When, if ever, will you cash out? 3. Is GET your only investment or is your portfolio a bit more diversified (no names needed)?

Deofex — Today at 11:43 AM

  1. I’m a boomer/millennial, starting to get old. 2. I’m here for the tech, not much to cash out 😉 3. I do all or nothing, no diversity for me.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:43 AM

1/ mid thirties 2/ never fully and it will be very difficult to sell any if the development keeps going like this. 3/ I’m 100% in GET, I’m a GET maxi 🤓

Tommy b — Today at 11:43 AM

mid twenties/ the plan is to take some of it out if I can buy a house with it. That will probaly still take a while / I am mainly invested in GET

Colby-GET — Today at 11:44 AM

On that theme Parmaboy asks: Are you all Dutch ?

Tommy b — Today at 11:44 AM

I’m Dutch

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:44 AM

No, I don’t live there either

Deofex — Today at 11:44 AM

Colby-GET — Today at 11:44 AM

Another from Parmaboy who asks: What is the percentage of Get in your portfolio ?

Tommy b — Today at 11:44 AM

around 90% I haven't come across any similar project with the same upside potential, but maybe I am a bit biased

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:45 AM

Deofex — Today at 11:45 AM

I’m here for tech 😉

Colby-GET — Today at 11:45 AM

Parmaboy is on a roll: Do you participate in Lp and if so is it on Uniswap or Quickswap ?

Deofex — Today at 11:45 AM

I participate(d) as LP on Uni, the liquidity program a really nice program!

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:45 AM

I did months ago but I removed my liquidity as I believe GET is very undervalued.

Tommy b — Today at 11:45 AM

I haven’t provided any liquidity because I think GET is currently undervalued

Colby-GET — Today at 11:46 AM

Another from Parmaboy: Have you convinced many friends to buy Get. If so on which Exchange ?

Tommy b — Today at 11:46 AM

A few they bought using uniswap. I think I mostly convinced people on reddit that GET was solid buy

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:46 AM

The friends that bought mostly bought on Uniswap and some on Bittrex.

Deofex — Today at 11:46 AM

Yes: All and they bought via all Exchanges GET was listed on.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:47 AM

Here's one about the token's utilityM3DA MAKR asks: If a regular customer goes to a ticket site, buys a ticket, and receives an NFT ticket into their app wallet, then what is the purpose of anyone to buy and hold GET token?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:47 AM

for a regular customer to be able to buy that ticket it first needs to be created and run on GET protocol. To make it run the ticketeers need GET. They buy this from exchanges. Just in the last few days they’ve used around 1800 GET (over 6000$) to fuel their tickets. As GET expands (and it will rapidly) they’ll need to keep buying a lot of GET.

Deofex — Today at 11:47 AM

When you walk to your car, drive to your workplace and park your car, than what is the purpose of fuel? Answer: Because the car needs it. The GET ecosystem is designed to use the GET token and this has multiple reasons. (payment from different countries, governance etc.)

Tommy b — Today at 11:48 AM

A regular customer indeed doesn't notice the blockchain aspect working in the background. Since ticketing companies need to buy GET to use the GET protocol for ticketing there is a clear relation between the value of the token and the usage of the protocol. Think of it as investors that buy oil futures, while they don't need the oil. They buy the financial product because they think the demand and the price will be higher in the future. Similarly GET token holders expects that ticheting companies will sell more tickets in the future, increasing the demand and therefore also the price

Colby-GET — Today at 11:48 AM

and rowaaan asks:: What is the hardest part of convincing the people around you to invest in the get protocol?

Deofex — Today at 11:48 AM

Besides the regular crypto challenges and availability on Exchanges it’s not hard to convince people.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:48 AM

I never really try to convince people around me to buy GET. The people very close to me have all invested in GET but that’s because the subject passed by “organically” (I didn’t push it on them) and they became interested. The hardest part would probably be the lack of a big exchange regular Joe uses.

Tommy b — Today at 11:49 AM

actually GET has a very easy to understand value proposition compared to most cryptos. It has a working product, actual ticketing companies use and pay for the product. The hardest part is that there 10 000 other projects that all fight for the attention the same group investors.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:49 AM

On the topic of DAOs, rowaaan asks:: If the DAO eventually becomes a reality, what would be one of the most exciting things you would want to propose/vote for?

Deofex — Today at 11:50 AM

“Send all DAO funds to Deofex? Yes/No”. And more seriously: I am looking forward seeing how the DAO would handle future development of the protocol. This subject will probably not be part of 1 of the first votes.

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:50 AM

by the time the DAO is fully active we’ll have different views on GET (just as I look at GET differently now than I did in 2018). So it’s too early to comment on this. But it will probably be something about tokenomics as I love thinking about that.

Tommy b — Today at 11:50 AM

I am looking forward to the DAO being full active. I am not sure yet for what proposals I would vote for.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:51 AM

Here's one more from Brom: Is crypto going to be your end-game, allowing you to retire?

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:51 AM

I’m pretty sure GET will allow me that. As GET grows, so will the value of the token organically. I don’t think about it too much. It could happen tomorrow or it could happen in a few years. I don’t think I will not work though but just the feeling that you don’t have to work if you decide not to is worth it.

Tommy b — Today at 11:51 AM

I don't think about retirement yet, just started my career. I think GET will allow me to give me a nice kickstart financially.

Deofex — Today at 11:51 AM

I love to work; I prefer not to think about my retirement.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:51 AM

Here's another feedback question from ben wat who asks: For all three; what do you think GET needs to do better?

Deofex — Today at 11:53 AM

Don’t tell the community they used a Mock token in the future to prevent fud haha!

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:53 AM

they need to hire Deofex was the answer I prepared.

Tommy b — Today at 11:53 AM

I think the crypto marketing could be slightly better, the hardest part is how to do this without spending millions

Deofex — Today at 11:53 AM

They improve so fast xP

Colby-GET — Today at 11:54 AM

On the same line of questioning - which also happens to be our final question BonkieKong asks: All three; Do you guys think the team has done enough, (and allocated enough funds for that) to gain traction from the crypto world? What can be done by the team to gain more traction than we have atm

Deofex — Today at 11:54 AM

So far as I can see yes. A lot more traction is possible but would cost a lot of funds. I don’t think that’s beneficial in the long-term. This might be an unpopular opinion though and I understand the ones who think differently. It’s a really hard subject.

Tommy b — Today at 11:54 AM

I think the team has done very well in focussing on the product first and getting clients for it. Many projects that launched in 2017 focussed on the cyprto aspect first and have ran out of funds. Currently, if there is one thing to criticize it is indeed the lack of awareness in the crypto world. With the current hype on NFT (tickets) it is now the time to invest more resources in crypto marketing. I think it will be beneficial for both the business development as for tokenholders. The difficult part is how to market GET without spending millions on influencers

Adnanzzz — Today at 11:54 AM

It’s a difficult question. I have tried to do some marketing for GET myself and you fall over from your chair when you hear what these influencers ask. It’s a bit unethical to pay for 1 tweet more than you pay a dev’s month’s salary, who does a lot of awesome work in that month. I think getting in touch with genuine researchers is the way to go. Like Delphi Digital. But I also think that it will happen organically and at some point everyone will be talking about GET. It will happen slowly and then all of a sudden.

Colby-GET — Today at 11:58 AM

Alrighty thanks so much to Adnanzzz, Deofex & Tommy b for participating in this community AMA 🥳 I hope you can all agree with me that they've done a fantastic job. Any parting words for the community?

Deofex — Today at 12:00 PM

We copied paste a lot (kinda obvious when you looked at the reaction times), but there were so much questions. It was fun, didn't expect that. So thanks for all the questions 🙂

Adnanzzz — Today at 12:01 PM

It was fun doing this. We really have a great community and I'm looking forward to the meetup to talk to some of you in real life. In the meanwhile enjoy the ride we're together in, it promises to be a wild one in the coming months. Really looking forward to going through it with some of you. WAGMI

Colby-GET — Today at 12:05 PM

I also wanted to leave a parting note - It's been a pleasure getting to know these three better, often times it's very easy to communicate for years over social media with people but not really get to know the person behind the username, and in an age of "connectivity disconnection" it can be very easy to feel isolated because of that. I hope everyone in the community understands how appreciated they are and we're all in a fantastic space full of exciting innovation, it's very much a case of being together on an exciting journey so make sure to remember that 😄

See you back here for the next AMA - TBA

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