Wednesday, November 10, 2021

AlgOcean Project Update! Token Live / Liquidity / Partnership Updates / Beta X Closing

Hello Everyone,

It's an absolute joy these days to be a part of the AlgOcean Community.

Here are some key updates since I last posted a few days ago.

  1. AO Token is live on Tinyman.
    Please do not get confused with AOC token - some people provided the initial liquidity for it with the little they had and it created some complex problems so we had to recreate a new coin, AO. Total supply cap and the tokenomics remain the same (refer to our older posts or our whitepaper on discord). And we're still on the plan for vested distribution for our Dev team allocation (15% including me) and the Charity Donation Allocation (30%) over a period of time so that there is no dump/rugpull. Looking into ways to do it by more than just a word of trust.

  2. Liquidity
    We have put in around 2.8k Algo as initial liquidity with the ratio of 1 Algo=6000 AO for various reasons considering the Beta X players' investment into the game, making it cheap enough for those that would like to get in early, etc.

  3. Partnership Updates
    So this is the exciting part. It's been great going back and forth with Marine MegaFauna Foundation. We have adopted/sponsored 2 Whale Sharks and 1 Manta Ray so far as a community along with a few hundred $ donations from our community members directly to the Foundation.
    I had also reached out to the Ocean Cleanup Organization and heard back from them earlier today and they have expressed their caution of being associated with us. They are fine with us supporting them and mentioning them on SNS or our Discord, or here on Reddit, but wanted us to know that we have NO official endorsement/partnership with them. This was expected as they are a bigger organization (They also said they only accept Bitcoin, Eth, Bitcash, Doge, and Litecoin donations).
    We are also waiting to hear back from the Coral Reef Conservation Organizations that we reached out too and some other smaller Conservation Organizations.

  4. Beta X phase is closing tomorrow. We have already disabled the auto ticket dispenser of Algo=fishing tickets. The rewards will be distributed to all participants after the data reset tomorrow.

  5. We have even set up an AO faucet (much like the Algo Faucet that we all miss) in our discord server. I think the ratio is quite a bit higher - at least for now :)

  6. We are going to stop accepting Algo for fishing tickets soon so we can get ready for our next Beta phase, Beta Y. This beta will start to implement our AO tokens directly into the game and we'll start to have some fun community events.

  7. We are assembling a Website team so that should be coming around soon too!

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