Sunday, November 14, 2021

Missing neatly a thoughts

After everything I have heard and read. I think she was killed there and the building knew. Strange that Jim Wayne said the mgmt was cooperative but various media reports said they were not. They likely did everything to cover their tracks. A murder in a place where people live ($$$$) is very bad for business (obviously). I know the upper floors are where the big money lives. I emailed an acquaintance from Playboy Mansion days to ask if she was ever there.. She used to date a Laker and knows what's hopping around town.. She said she knew three ballers that she has hung out with and some tech multi millionaires (she said one guy had a private masseuse at one of the parties) at that building. She said she had been there several times after Laker games. She thought the places were nice but not as nice as properties on Wilshire (she is kind of bougie).. I am.not going to say who she told me these people are because I don't want any repercussions. Also, I can't prove this personally but she is a nurse (like me) and I've known her for years. She is a good person and don't know her to lie. She's the type to be dialed into what events, parties, etc...are going on around town.Very LA hot blonde party type. Ive been here for years so, nothing new. I don't do drugs and rarely drink more than a few sips at a party. I am a fitness nutter! We don't hang out. anymore because she does party HARD. I think Heidi was very entwined with the boss. Multiple LLc's etc.. I do think she was likely doing some illicit things to support that $$ lifestyle. The main thing that sticks out for me is the money aspect. She is living large on a dime (so to speak). 125k plus 1500.00 possible bonus monthly. This does not equate to what she NEEDS to live her life in a 1.8 million dollar property, drive luxury, send kid to 60k school (split with the ex). I decided that although her ex is sketch in actions and words, he would not likely want to flip an extra 30k per year (her portion) for schooling. Reportedly they split on costs for the child. This makes it hard for me to believe he would off her. He seems frugal from what is public knowledge about him and court documents etc..I don't fully discount him but unlikely. I think someone outside the people we know, 'did her dirty.' She had a bitcoin LLC and there are reportedly some tech people in that building. I think we will find out some answers sooner than later (my guess).

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