Saturday, November 6, 2021

Newish still wanted to come by this sub and drop some details on my experience with Reddit and why I will continue to use Reddit and what I used to do and why r/rules are good!

TLTR: Yes this is the TLDR there is a lot of words in this post today! I love Reddit. What I did before social media and reddit and how I learned digital marketing. selling on eBay. Now following the cryptocurrency and other financial markets, blockchain technology and computer science, economics, business management, accounting and much more. Humbled to be apart of Reddit and wish I had started earlier! Also the Reddit rules and sub rules along with moderation that makes for what I see to be the next biggest social media platform. Onto me, my experiences and how the reddit & Sub r/rules plus r/reddiquette make these subreddit spaces fresh and welcoming. Not many users want to or try to break the rules here. What subs I hang out the most in being economics, science, technology, cryptocurrency, future, space, life moments, comedy, memes, interesting things, Ask Reddit and many more.

First and foremost hello to anyone reading and thanks for taking the time to say hi and or read this!


So a bit on how my Reddit use started and when. Initially I used Reddit over its life time but namely over the last 5-7 years but only commented on extremely rarely occasions and had never made any posts until maybe a year ago and was likely posted in the wrong or not the best suited group. Anyway now I post daily but I don’t post just to post. I only post things links or text or videos that are worth the post and or aren’t posted already on Reddit and or things that are going to contribute to the community in a positive way. That’s the one main thing I ask before I post is “will this post contribute good or bad things” if it’s not all good or is some negativity that isn’t needed I likely won’t post it.

So using Reddit for answers or clarification on questions I asked search engines to find conclusive evidence and or to back up what answers I found. So that was good but I never became involved in the discussion/s. I used it for answers or Atleast supporting evidence. Now however over the last 4~ odd months but more so the last 2 months, I’ve been familiarising myself with Reddit and the community’s I have become apart of. Namely to familiarise myself with the content in the groups I am interested in and or want to see or be apart of.

#RedditRules #Reddiquette #SubRules Now though it’s just been a nice easy learning curve on how and what Reddit is mostly used for and what Reddit rules there are and the individual sub rules when you or I join any sub it will have its own rules. Then it’s reviewing Reddit rules reddiquette and sub rules when I need to or I think I’m wrong but not entirely sure. Also to check if others are violating the rules if I see something bad and I will just tell them so they can change it or remove it and if not then I leave it unless it’s bad stuff I’ll report like anyone should for things like racism or promoting violence or links to heaps of advertising or affiliate links or ad walls or Hating on someone or trying to get mass upvotes or downvotes or karma or other awards etc by manipulating the system from a third party place organising to have your say Facebook group upvote every post anyone in the group posts with the group at 10k people many times getting 1k+ karma per post and or even comments. This isn’t good but it’s around. It’s not going to be for long or they already have code that will pickup if it’s the same people or accounts voting on the same persons or the same posts all of the time or even flat odd times the algorithms will pick up the people voting on the same things that are being fake up voted or do so as a part of a group outside of Reddit but that all have Reddit accounts. Just one example.. still even then if I found this out or saw it I’d report it yet but I am not a mod nor do I try to be a mod nor try to police Reddit.

I have found that reading r/rules and the r/Reddiquette section several time now simply to keep on top of the rules and not get banned or have offences against my account. To be a smart thing to do and I recommend it to anyone nee and or old. Especially if you have a Reddit Vault you don’t want to stop being able tp collect Reddit Moons or FortnightBR and any other new to be released coins or tokens on the blockchain that can be earned on Reddit.

IF you haven’t read the r/reddiquette section or you cant remember when you last read, its advised to go over it again every now and then. Basically reddiquette is a guideline for things outside of the main Reddit rules. Which is also advised to go over the main Reddit r/rules from time to time. I’m saying this as I want others new or not to be informed so those or anyone reading this can share this and or remind others to do so and know yourself what Reddit’s website/forum/social medium is for and what it is not for so you don’t get banned from subs or get penalty points or anything bad against your account.

This is even more true to those who have a vault and collect Reddit moons and or FortnightBR or any new or to be release coins or tokens that will be connected to the Reddit vault in future. This also leads me to the next part of what I came here to talk about and that’s namely why or the reason I have now been using Reddit daily or most days for news to general discussions to insider knowledge and or guides to entertainment like Memes and jokes and videos to awesome and amazing videos or story’s etc.

The main reason I have started to use Reddit much more as I was well and truly over Facebook and really I like to type. It’s a hobby and a passion at times. So Reddit caters much more for writers and those who want or like to express themselves in writing. Still if it wasn’t for the Cryptocurrency and the Vault system and Reddit Moons I would not be here as active as I am. This is just the truth. Sure I may actually use it for the subjects and subs that have info on cryptocurrency and finacial markets and any sub Reddit groups I’m in now. But really the vault and the knowing I would earn some moons even a small amount, it was an incentive to get involved. That’s more why I began using Reddit and found out how much I actually like it for what it is regardless of Reddit Moon earning’s for participating on Reddit.

Cryptocurrency #Moons

Basically I’ve been quite involved now for 2 years in cryptocurrency and mostly I’ve been just studying and learning about it and blockchain technology decentralised finance and exchanges and other business models like dapps and also centralised crypto. I have also learned more on economics than I did in senior school. I learned a hell of a lot more on business management that in senior school same for accounting & finance all of those 3 subjects I chose for my 2 final senior years. Which I learned a lot for the time I learned it with little knowledge but it didn’t serve my until more recently being over 10 years post school.

I began 5 years ago with eBay and selling bits and bobs for a small profit. It started with items I owned or pre owned goods. Then I saved the money earned and would go buy items from opportunity shops that were vintage and often cost no more than $1-$30 depending on what it was. Mostly I was buying vintage or near antique goods. Mostly small items and not furniture rather jewellery to old records but mostly it was pottery and China or vases and decorative plates or tea sets to Crystal glasses but mostly crystal items or animals or figures of things like a guitar or whatever it was. They always sold quick for not a huge profit but enough.

Anyway I continued and started to then buy items from wholesalers most came from China but some was made here locally. For things like tempered glass screen protectors that require a small and not as expensive 3D printer they can be made anywhere for a minimal price and also made for new releases before they arrive from company specs on the screen or make them when you can get the screens sizes and dimensions perfect and can sell in a few days or hours of the phones launch which is one of the first things buys of smart phones buy as well as a case if they don’t buy it at the phone shop or it doesn’t come with it.

So selling on eBay (before corporations were all there like today) really opened my mind to digital marketing and marketing via social media and I found I could market my listings organically and pay nothing but my time and effort and have much greater turnover. Mind you it was a tiny store selling under the max 40 free listings a month. But it was close to maxing that limit some months. This venture or side hustle went on for 16 months but only had good amount of sales in the first 8 months of those 16 before I stopped buying or re stocking. Which were now new items that came from wholesalers and not from opportunity shops or garage sales and that (which is still a great way to make money and anyone can do it) but basically I stopped buying what I was selling the most of. Being lots of Lord of the Ring replica engraved rings that were a nearly a daily sell, also a near daily sale and had many bulk orders for iPhone 6-7 plus Tempered glass 9H good quality screen protectors for the latest iPhones and also stopped getting the phone covers and cases for the latest iPhone and Samsung smartphone models at the time.

Learning the sales side was easy and managing orders and customers easy. The digital marketing that I learned after I started to boost my traffic namely that was and still us something I am learning today. But I understand the core parts of digital marketing which is mostly SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, social media campaigns and setting up payed advertising, wringing content, website development(light or heavy skilled), business deployment for offline businesses and a few others. They are all what anyone who is looking at any kind of online business or have a business they want to grow online it will help you so much in fact you may be able to save money on hiring those that do the jobs you will be able to in a few months learning and trial and putting to action what you learn.

So this took me up until today where over the last 2 years I’ve been involved in learning cryptocurrency and the technology’s behind them and also the modes of business to the people who trade it every day and those who have done since Bitcoins release in 2009. Like I knew about Bitcoin as many did or most did. We all heard of the digital internet money that was a “scam” and even today I have family who say any crypto and Bitcoin is all a scam saying that “where is the value? A company stock has $ value and physical value this bitcoins have no value!” And I’m just like yep we will agree to disagree. Especially when I am not one to argue nor to try and pursued someone into believing something that I believe. Since I’m agnostic for religion and beliefs in general. I don’t push my opinions or beliefs on others and I would expect the same from anyone else. In that I don’t want to have beliefs of anything be it a religion or a event like moon landing or theory’s like flat earth or anything that has no argument sake to learn from having a debate and or something that is wifey knows as being debunked or the truth is known.

The only thing that can be hard to judge is religion and say god. I understand what most or some see as god. But I don’t see it the same way. I see it as a means to say or understand what everything in its entirety within our universe and of which is not scientifically proven like how large the universe is or it’s exact or the Big Bang and when or how and why and what was before it and then what was before that event or place in time and space.

I don’t want to keep going and I actually just removed 4 large text bodies to keep this post some what readable! Sorry if it’s tooo long.

Still it’s been a pleasure to be involved in this sub and the many subs I have become involved in. I hope to meet many more of you amazing people across the world and grow even larger connections.

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