Thursday, November 4, 2021

🚀🚀🚀 SMALLCAP GEM >100X “Offshift (XFT)”: Revolutionary #PriFi Synthetics Project on Layer-1 Ethereum, Mainnet Launch January 2022 (soooooon!!!!) 🚀🚀🚀

Disclaimer: I'm not a team member, the Offshift core team doesn't want to shill so I'm just doing it for them 😂

OFFSHIFT (XFT) Pre-Mainnet-Launch Project Overview

Offshift is building a privacy-centric ecosystem to enable, decentralized, fully private storage and transactions of crypto and real-world asset derivatives (synthetics). In addition, these private derivatives called zkAssets (i.e. zkBTC, zkETH, zkXAU, etc.) will provide access to DeFi applications within the Offshift ecosystem such as staking, lending & borrowing and others.

True decentralization is what separates Offshift from other privacy protocols that offer DeFi applications in combination with privacy. All other projects are, to a varying extent, centralized (requiring a trusted party) and are therefore vulnerable to regulatory pressure, which is expected to increase exponentially over the next years. Offshift is the original inventor of #PriFi and are the only truly hardcore, truly decentralized #PriFi project and the only #PriFi project that is immune to censorship. All other #PriFi projects are centralized or pseudo-decentralized spin-offs (DYOR!!).

To ensure complete decentralization all transactions will occur on Layer-1 Ethereum and in addition in future on Moonbeam (Polkadot). Offshift cannot be shut down under regulatory pressure and is therefore the only #PriFi project that will prevail in the long run. Private transactions on Layer-1 are a truly revolutionary technical feat that will bridge the gap between privacy on one hand and DeFi on the other. With Offshift you can have both.

The team is anon (they have to be), but the lockbox code is open-sourced on GitLab (rest of the code will be too), integrity is programmed and rug-pulls coded out of the equation. One member (Alex Shipp, CSO) is Offshift's only public face, lives abroad for obvious reasons and is a sort of crypto savant with huge biceps.

For Traders: 🚀🚀🚀🚀

- Only ~4 MM tokens currently in circulation, fully diluted 10 MM (Token emission schedule in Whitepaper)
- Easiest way to obtain XFT is through UniSwap v3
- Hugely deflationary Tokenomics design: XFT’s are burned to create zkAssets, more value stored in ecosystem ====> skyrocketing XFT price 🚀
- Mainnet launch planned in January 2022 (is just the beginning!)
- Note: Price dipping after March 2021 was due to announced scope increase resulting in Mainnet delay. Currently the only way is up ☝
- 100X is nothing at all, that's just when things get interesting. A parallel private ecosystem that's going to create synthetics of major crypto, commodities, stocks etc. in a fully private ecosystem is going to draw major attention.

Honestly, there's enormous value created over the past 1.5 years. But different from other crypto projects, Offshift has adopted a very careful marketing strategy and only focuses on pumping out high quality updates and articles on grand platforms for establishing a respectable and long-term presence in the privacy space. As a result, there's huuuge untapped potential and I'm here to kick off the hype! Get on board early, frens, and reap the rewards! 🚀🚀🚀🚀

Major YouTube Features:

- Sheldon Evans (from minute 17:00 onwards)
- Travis Trades:

Project Milestones:

- Partnered with Serotonin (Marketing): The CEO was responsible for the rise of ETH.
- Partnered with Zokyo (Cryptography): Experienced and well-respected blockchain engineering venture studio.
- Open-sourced code on GitLab (verifiably rug-pull-proof tokenomics design)
- The Offshift Testnet live on both Ethereum’s Rinkeby network and Moonbeam’s Moonbase Alpha v4- Staking pools live on SushiSwap & PancakeSwap
- Deployed Binance Smart Chain bridge
- Published Yellow Paper
- Demonstrated viability of the tech via successful tests, on track for Mainnet launch January 2022!!! (see AMA session October 2021 on YouTube)
- Established "Pioneer" rewards program for community involvement (you can join!)
- Hosting monthly Community Call / AMA on Discord.

News & Articles:

- ETH-CC conference presentation in Paris
- CoinTelegraph article:
- Coindesk article:
- article:
- Forkast News Interview:
- Hartmann Capital PriFi article:
- Hosted PriFi Twitter Space event with special guest Kurt Opsahl of the EFF:
- Participated in panel discussion on DystopiaLabs DeFi & NFT Summit with Hartmann Capital and ChainLink Labs:
- Twitter page:


- Whitepaper:
- Yellowpaper:
- Roadmap:
- GitLab code depository:
- Offshift YouTube channel incl. recap videos of Community Call / AMA sessions:
- Blog posts (tech updates, in-depth proprietary #PriFi articles):
- Official Telegram;
- UnOfficial Trade Chat (English):

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