Thursday, December 2, 2021

Is it time to consider a possible bear market?

I’m bullish on Cryptocurrency so don’t downvote me to hell for having a differing opinion that I want discuss

Having said that, I think on some reasonable and realistic level that we need to take into consideration a possible bear market, because everybody and I mean everybody from retail to influencers are predicting this massive 10k candle rally from Bitcoin which will eventually drive up the rest of the market, but where is this extra trillions of dollars going to come from?

I mean let’s be realistic, every price model this far has been wrong the last two months, Crypto has remained virtually stagnated with strange ups and downs, which usually happen in bear markets. I understand the volatility, but going up 10% and back down 10% every day for weeks is a bit off.

Then one has to think about who is going to be pouring trillions of dollars into Crypto for this massive pump. Institutions only have billions of dollars, and even when you look at gold you see it’s worth around 11 trillion which many of these institutions are invested in. We can speculate that Bitcoin is better than gold, but that doesn’t really matter if the mass public and institutional investors don’t believe that.

Over half of the population doesn’t even invest in the stock market, even more don’t invest in Cryoto, and so my question is, where will this money come from, or will we remain flat for a long time until some innovation or event takes place?

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